Name: Anastasia
Age: 18 years
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 55 kg
Hair: Light brown; [Palette ref - 3 from the left]
All tied up, mainly by 3 braids (1 of them as a tiara and 2 fall to each side of her face) and has two hair "loopies" on the sides of the head; On the back, the loopies tie together follow the path of the tiara braid; the loose hair is short (doesn't reach her shoulders)
Eyes: Purple [Palette ref]
Profession: Gym leader
1 - Regular:
Coat: Black.
Top: Tank top colour blue [Palette ref - 66CCFF]; (same details as the item)
Belt: White bells with purple studs (use the darkest colour of the purple palette)
Pants: Dark blue skinny jeans
Shoes: White low boots with purple (same as the it shows on the tektek base)
Scarf: White and long
Necklace: Silver with an amethyst stone
Earrings: Chandelier style, of three golden stars
Gloves: White gloves without fingers; the part of the glove around the wrist is dark gray.
Pokemon team:
Lugia, Cyndaquil, Gengar, Dragonite and Umbreon.
Personality: Anastasia is youthful young lady. She tends to be quiet and smiles politely around people she recently meets but once she start to feel confortable with them she's really outgoing and nice. She really enjoy spending time with her pokemons and loves her: either training or taking them to the lake near the city. When it comes to battles she really focus and keeps her mind cool. She enjoys her gym battles and helping trainers to improve.
pspsps--- i need to find that evil paper