(this is pretty much the only political discussion you're going to get on Gaia, so enjoy it)
What this is:
A brief description of my political views. If you wish to ask specific questions about WHY I believe something, please PM me, but I will not debate. I'm not here to convince you that my views are correct, they're just my views. Many are rooted in my faith in the God Yehweh and my Savior, Jesus Christ. Others are simply how my brain organizes thoughts and ideas according to my personal moral compass and reasoning.
Separation of Church and State
For the Separation of Church and State. However, I disagree with the extremes this view has been taken to with antagonism towards the Christian and Jewish faith. Teachers in schools are permitted to teach information about Hindu, Islam, Buddhism, Greek Mythology, but everyone is against bringing up Christian teachings. This is unbalanced and beyond separation of church and state bordering on persecution. I disagree with it. I think that schools and government institutions should be very inclusive of all religions instead of trying to be EXclusive to specific faiths.
The Abortion Debate
I am against any society that permits a mother to end the life of her child. If a madman were to commit manslaughter of a pregnant woman, he is charged on two accounts; For the mother and the child. I don't believe a mother committing the same act on purpose should be considered "choice". Yes, its the woman's body, but she made a CHOICE when she had sex. In the case of Rape, don't punish an innocent life for the sins of the father. In the gray area where the woman's life is in danger, I believe it has to be the mother's choice at that point taking into consideration the opinion of the Maternity Physician.
This being said, I do not think that illegalizing abortion is the answer. In the 60's thousands of women died due to illegal abortions performed by unlicensed surgeons. We lost more life while it was illegal, that of the children and the mothers.
Faith note: This also never gave the mothers who chose abortion a chance to know God and ask forgiveness for sins committed. Today, many women who have had an abortion in the past are now sons and daughters of Christ, and will have everlasting life. AND will meet the children they never knew in heaven.
The 4th Amendment
My views on this have changed recently in light of the increase of heinous acts. I support the right of citizens to own and bear firearms to protect life of themselves and their families. I do not believe that ANY citizen not military trained and licensed should own a military grade assault weapon or any weapon with an automatic firing mechanism. There is no MORAL reason for someone to own such a thing. To those who believe its your right to revolt against the government with such weapons and this is your reasoning to own it... think about that. The government controls and owns the most cutting edge military technology. Your assault rifle, no matter how awesome, is not going to be a match for a well supplied militia.
Discrimination based on Race, Ethnicity, Background Age, Religion, Gender, Disabilities, Sexual Preference or Beliefs:
This gets hairy.
I classify discrimination as any violation of someone's rights due to their appearance, race, ethnicity, background, age, religion, gender, disabilities, sexual preference or religious/non-religious beliefs. For example, denying someone service or employment at an establishment based on these aforementioned characteristics. Its wrong, it shouldn't happen. But it does. =(
As and individual and without any affiliation to any establishment, government branch or official organization, I am incapable of discrimination. It is within my right to decide if I disagree with someone's belief's, lifestyle choices, or looks. I can even insult them for it (I'm not saying I'm going to, but I can without committing a discriminatory act).
I also believe that when an individual's religious or personal beliefs endanger others, the law can get involved without it being discrimination.
Further questions, feel free to PM me. I'm open to discussion and hearing other beliefs or ideas. Just please be respectful, I am not going to enter a heated or rude debate.
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