- Bump Charity
To Do List:
- Finish Art for Fruit Topping, iYuki-kun, Whispering Diamonds
- Complete trades with iYuki-kun when I finish commision
- Get more Affliations for the Charity
Today I went to a book store because I finally found my giftcard that I got for Christmas for it. I got two cool looking books and I have money left over! I feel like books have gotten a lot cheaper because less people buy books. I then went to Yeh!, a frozen yogurt place and got coffee and chocolate frozen yogurt with coconut, chocolate chips, and chocolate sauce. I then worked on my five page essay for English it is on The Book Thief and holocaust heroes.
I redid Small Wishes make Big Smiles thread. I decided I really like the dandilion bird silhoutte. I also changed some things up. I really want to do a contest but I don't know what to do because I don't need anything, Hmmm...
I also started to look into affliations for the group and made one with Guardian's Quest!
I didn't go on LD today, which is weird but my thread on cheating is still up and people are still commenting!
I started talking to HOBO BUDDEY again and that made me very happy.
RP guilds confuse me but I feel like I would like to join a small one, like a very small one.
I love the game Pinball even though it kind of pisses me off sometimes and I don't get much gold for it. Hmmm.. O! and I started to write these new little end of the day things. I don't know how long I can keep it up
Thank you
Orchidmoonlight for tipping 3x for SWmBS
Meguriuta for tipping for SWmBS
Favorite People Today
Cross Debts
Online Reading vs. Paper
Quote of the Night
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
— Lao Tzu
^ I heard of it before but it is on Rini Tea's signature and couldn't help but smile at it.
My Dream Item

Good Night!

Made by: Rini Tea (who is making me another banner for my little Art Shop)