Trolls are people who like to screw with other people are upset them.
Trolling does not work on me. o|
There is no one who can insult me more than I can insult myself because I know what hurts my feelings and saddens me and they do not.
I have found that the best way to deal with a troll is to be very polite to them despite their name calling and belittling acts.
I shut down a troll recently and can shut that person down again at anytime. I dislike that fact. I felt the need to change that because I trolled tthe troller. o(
I got tired of that person telling people to go kill themselves and spoke without thinking it through. I attacked that person based on something that they had no control over...
Well technically I didn't attack them. I merely said: "Silence, you self proclaimed Hermaphodite!"
I feel bad about it still... But I would feel the need to do it again because no one has the right to tell others to go kill themselves.
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