"Hello M'lord," my voice greets you from the fog of the night.
" . . . " You remain siilent under the full moon.
I step out of the shadows within your veiw.
I gaze at you walking around you in circles . . . i stop were face-2-face.
You know what time it is. . . I say telepathicaly suductively smirking.
You acknowledge my words . . . my hand caresses your right cheek.
You wisper,
"M'lady your in danger you-" i cut your would short as i place a finger against your lips to hush you.As if a genetic signal of some sort u begin to change right infronto of my eyes. You begin to breath havily and then gaze outwards toward the hauntingly deceptive moon ligth beams throught the murkyness of the october sky fog. You shudder in the pure ecstacy that you under go durring your vecious transformations . . . for it is the night of your birth and unlike all of the other gracefull and fast transformations you under go the day of your birth transformation very visiously . . . you crouch to the gound . . . with labored breathing you manage to say something.
"M'lady please . . . LEAVE--" your grunt and groul under your beautifuly deceptice curce.
"No . . . you will see how this fares . . ." i bend down and caress your hair though u are contorting and wildly trans froming . . . we can both feel that it is one transfromationthat will be teh most memorable . . . . .
As you aer huddled up on the ground heaving and weezing away from the churning, cruching and metamorphic change of the tranformation you manage she to howl a loud signal to other wolves saying: watch out this is one wolf u shouln't mess with tonight. You are wearing a black velvet blouse open reavealing your in creasing mucles and harring flesh. Your pants are a darks blackish purple but you are bare footed with fignernails and toenails sharpened far more dharper than normal humans. You have a necklace of your great-granda's fang a family heirloom that protects u from a hunter's silver. Finally the transformation begins . . . your heart beat beats faster (I chose to write in 3rd person now or in the point of veiw of me the narrator) Carnisen's eyes close in puer releif and also pain, his fangs become longer his mucles larger all the while he moans and grouns over it all . . . he streches out his arms in a daiagonal position almost that resembleing talons of a hawk reaching for it's prey . . . then his short yet stilish hair drapes over him, growing longer . . . everywhere . . . then he breaks free of his garments into a huge masive beast panting and craving with the lust of an animal will for the thrill of the hunt.
Li (li for short akita is too long for me to type for now) stares in awe and yet amazement for the sight she has beheld.
Now he stands erect on two hind legs . . . while his hum,an like arms at his side, eyes foward gazing down upon what seems a fragile mortal. He is tall with a strong frame, hairy and dark as the night as he gazes with his red and yellow eyes at her. Then they comunicate in a telepathic mind link.
Li, u can call me Li for now.
Li . . . you are not . . .
Afraid?-why should i be . . . i may be human for the moment completly vulnerable but . . . highly trained.
I see . . .He stands at 7 feet tall but it varies along power and feeling of strength.
M'lord-Suddenly she faints falling fowards . . . he beraks her fall fragileing carrying her n his arms and then . . .
2 b continued . . .
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old Seraphoid tekteks
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