Character Name: Juglar Rimn
Title: Shift
Race: Seether
Gender: Male
---------------------------------Time Manipulation-----------------------------------------
Slowing or Progressing time forwardActive Skill In the most literal sense Shift can move time forward or slow it down on a particular object, but it has to be something that he is touching. His time manipulation typically can only be done when he has a firm hold of something or some part of his body is touching it. Even through his clothing. Of course it is made stronger with direct skin contact. Regardless this particular ability has only the limit of his stamina. Meaning he can keep time slowed on something he is touching or speed it up as long as he can stay awake to be honest. All of his abilities take a physical toll on his body
Innate Passive skill A small layer of time is wrapped around Shift's body that has kept him from aging any further than his current age. He has yet to realize this has happened but it's keeping him in peak physical condition. The draw back is he can't get any stronger physically due to this. Time has kept his body preserved the way it is.
Haitus Passive This allows Shift to see 5 seconds into the future it is typically a passive that increases his reflex speed but can be activated if he wants to do something that requires it. For example to see someone's reaction if he says certain things.
Construct Active Shift literally reaches out and grasps time in his hands to construct a weapon of sorts made out of the fabric of time itself. In most cases now he uses daggers made of this fabric of time. Before he used a pole arm spear. That was a time long since passed
------Construct passive----- These constructs have a time lapse on them which he can activate or deactivate at will. If he cuts someone with his daggers or whatever construct he chooses to make he can either make the damage appear instantly or appear later in time so they feel nothing upon initial impact.
All stopActive Just like with the construct Shift will grasp time in a certain area but it creates a barrier in which time has stopped making a shield of sorts for him to use at his disposal. The shield is pretty much impreganable unless someone else knows how to work time. Typically when he does this it looks like he is castng a spell. It will hold as long as he has the stregth to hold it up. granted unless someone has the ability to speed up time in order to break the sheild it;s a stamina issue not a strength issue.
Hasteactive Haste give shift the ability to speed up time around his own body which increae his movement 70% it often makes it appear as though hes stopping time all together to move. He isn't doing that however.
Time's weightpassive Another passive he knows nothing about. After his misjudgement in the past that layer of time that keeps him from aging now also orks a a small buffer for damage. It can stop bullets like a vest could meaning he'd still feel pain however as one might guess an armor peircing round and this dude is toasted. In addition to that it helps in in close range battles more than anything. Give him a sort of tanky effect.
----Fighting style----
There is no real name for it but it ompletely changed from what it as before .After he joined Babylight he started training in more Stealth tactics than anything else. He is now pretty much a babylight ninja without the jutsus and such just his abilitis
Gear: Aside from his clothing he sports two glove that have wire coils laced in them each six feet long. It's rare that he uses them but it does happen'
Occupation: He works for Babylight full time the guy literally has no real life outside of it.
Residence: in the babylight building
Alignment: Babylight
Background: Shift used to be a super hero named Continuum and had a lovely female partner named Chronos. They both shared the same abilities and despite his protests wore some god aweful costumes. Bright colors, tight fitting you name it. Either way he hated the outfits but she was someone he cared for deeply. Never really had the guts to tell her after all they were both young and he thought she'd just believe he didn't know what he was talking about.
One day they got tangled up in a large fight with some villians that easily beat them. Continuum did all he could to try to save Chronos, everything in his power even using his construct of a spear which was his favored construct at the time to get them out of there. What he didn't know was that Chronos was faking her injuries. See they had been arguing lately on what was the "right thing to do" as the current villain made Chronos think that things his way were better. Continuum had no way of knowing this was all set up until he felt a heavy shot hit him dead in the middle of his back. Thankfully it was not from a gun but he fell forward and Chronos caught herself standing over him. Reaching for her slowly he still thought she was too hurt.
"Don't'll be hurt more..."
"You're an idiot, you've lived your life without me before do it again."
"What?...." he was confused until the man they had been trying to capture came up behind Chronos, smirked and put his arm around her. It started to grow black but he could hear them talking.
"He wont have to worry about living without you now."
"He's going to die?"
It went dark and Shift found himself waking up in a pool of his own blood. His innate Seether genes while they could not heal him prevented him from bleeding out to death. Gathering himself in what felt more like rage than sadness he limped to the closest hospital taking off his hero clothing and falling in naked. They rushed to his aide and Juglar at that point fabricated an entire story as to how Continuum died saving him. From that day on Shift was born and he never went back to being a hero as far as the hero's know Continuum is long dead. Shift works for Babylight killing all those unjust in his eyes. Eventually he may kill her too when he see's her, but the world is so corrupt he will purge it with every breath he breathes.