Name: Technically it’s Fire Opal, but he goes by Able.
Age: A few thousand years.
Gender:Genderless, but has a male appearance due to connecting more with that gender when he came to earth
Affinity: Former Rebel that is currently a nomad
Gem location: Top of his left hand
Gem type: a hunk of unpolished, glowing fire opal
Weapon: A bow he summons with a wave of his hand, that has a unlimited supply of fire arrows.
Other: A total flirt, and natural charismatic a*****e, he goes by “Able” Due to the fact that he went to a town where he saved them from a few corrupted Gems, the locals said he seemed “Able” To do anything, and he quite liked it.
Note: The character image is owned by me, please do not copy or save it, as it’s a gift a friend did for me =)
HighClass Badass · Fri Apr 10, 2015 @ 11:14pm · 0 Comments |