Day-21: School
I know..many people read my journal and I'm happy you are I like to share my experiances with you the readers, LOL ok... that sounded corny..anyways! Today at school I finished a unit in my Communications course, I've been really putzing with my education until my principal named Mel told me that I would be removed from the school if I didn't shape up..and It started to scare me becuase he told me I had to finish my math course in 2 week and tell you the truth I never thought I could do it but I did now I'm working hard to get ahead on my courses...I really took my education for granted and now I'm really working for it! blaugh I knwo I must sound like a school geek but you know bill gates was picked on for his grades but now the bullies are his employees... weird fate eh? Well now for my careers I wanted be a cop then a cheif and now a hairstylist sounded wicked awesome..grrr I don't know what to be whee btu life has a weird way to work itself out sweatdrop Thanks for reading.