Full name of Character: Aluraen Anathema
Reason, meaning or purpose behind the name: An Aluraen is a rare type of rose that only grows from earth that has absorbed the blood of executed criminals <named herself after the roses that almost took her life>
Nickname: rose
Race: - unnamed species - “anthropomorphous dragon”
Occupation/class: - used to be a mercenary -
Gender: Female
Physical Appearance:
How old they appear:
Eye Color: Gray “ashen” [Achromatopsia - a rare form of color vision impairment in which the world is seen only in black, white, and shades of gray] [Argyll Robertson pupil - a pupil that does not constrict when exposed to bright light but that contracts normally when the eye focuses on a near object] -when they are sad, their vision starts going to Achromatopsia but other then that; they have 6 optic nerves that allow them to see ever spectrum of the rainbow at will -
Hair color length and style: [color: Raven - a deep lustrous black] [length: long, and to the middle of the back, bangs reach
the top of the chest and sheer to the left, buzzed on the left side]
Weight and height: 5’6 - 145
Type of bodybuild: slender/ athletic
Skin tone and type: fair/ smooth/ icy to the touch when upset
Distinguishing marks: [tattoo - blooming and budding climbing thorned roses that go half way up her left arm] [ scar - a single scar runs down from her left shoulder, down between her chest, and it veers to the right stopping in her ribs, it is from being thrown into and getting ensnared in briar roses]
Predominant feature: eyes/ tattoo/scar
Is s/he healthy: yes
If not, why not Or why are they healthy: immune to disease and has self-healing antibodies
Do they look healthy, Why/why not: symptoms of insomnia
Char’s favorite color: Gray - 70%
Least favorite: white, can become to bright for her sensitive eyes
Music: loud
Least favorite music, why: “elevator music”
Food: carnivorous preference
Literature: dark
Expressions: let the chips fall where they may - the joker in the deck - a hostage of fortune
Expletives (curse): curses only when annoyed or angry - no favored word
Mode of transport: running, flying with wings that can be pulled under the skin and align with the spine for concealing
Hobbies: - anything interesting at the rare time of “need”
How do they spend a rainy day: stays in around people or stays out and hidden as in dragon form turns into a sparkler
Are they a daredevil or cautious: both but is rather vigilant at times but always remains calm while fight/hunting
Do they act the same alone as when with someone: yes, but is always more sarcastic when other people are around
Habits: in anthro form will often forget to blink due to the nictitating membrane or inner eyelid: a thin transparent layer of skin underneath the eyelid that can cover the eye surface
Drinks: yes
How much: rarely
Greatest Strength: anthropomorphic [from dragon to human], venom glads [dragon form, nero-bite/hemo-saliva], faint frost aura that only shows up in distress [dragon form], glass shattering scream, healing antibodies, sparking skin [dragon form], under-skin wings [human/dragon form], project voice to ear-shattering levels [dragon form], Move with great speed and jump to great height [dragon form], Mimic language and musical instruments [dragon form]
Greatest Weakness: can’t shutout the telepathy, specific neurotoxins, human form complications
Soft spot: - scar
Is their soft spot obvious, why/why not: naked or in dragon form
If not, how do they hide it: covers it with clothes
Biggest Vulnerability: “Achilles heel” spots on her body [her scar] and letting her guard down
Hometown: - nomadic
Type of childhood: distress
First Memory: almost killed by her father, who for fearing for his ascendancy in their pack/ flight; tried to kill her
Most important child hood event that still effects him/her: the single scar runs the down from her left shoulder, down between her chest, and it veers to the right stopping in her ribs, it is from being thrown into and getting ensnared in briar roses
Why: it’s a faithful reminder of her macabre past
Education: self-taught so far
Religion: [animism belief that nature has a soul: the belief that things in nature, for example, trees, mountains, and the sky, have souls or consciousness]
Finances: gets money from her jobs and or victims
Mother: deceased - “murdered” by Aluraen (framed by her father who actually killed her)
Relationship with her: caring
Father: presumed dead is however alive - thought to have been murdered by Aluraen
Relationship with him: hazardous
Siblings, How many, relationship with each: - none -
Children of siblings: - none -
Other extended family: living other counties
Close, Why or why not: no, relationship with them is hostile
Most at ease when: when by herself, sleeping, or with kin
Most ill at ease when: when around anybody other than her own kin or when emotionally upset which is very rare because of her personality is vastly detached
Priorities: take care of her kin, keep order in her pack, do her jobs all the way through, keep her and her pack fed
Philosophies: -
How they feel about themselves: depressed - she hates and yet somehow still loves herself
Past failure they would be embarrassed to admit: couldn’t save her mother and therefore was framed and couldn’t prove her innocence completely
If granted one wish what would it be, why: to go back with her same knowledge and save her mother
Optimist or pessimist, Why: [pessimist: somebody who always expects the worst to happen in every situation] and [cynic: believer that people are insincere, somebody who believes that human actions are insincere and motivated by self-interest]
Introvert or extrovert, Why: introvert, she cares only about the well being of only herself and kin
Drives and motives: anger, sadness, annoyance, happiness, fun, humor, chaos, and money(maybe love if she had or knew of it, and didn’t think of it as petty and insignificant)
Extremely skilled at: tracking
Extremely unskilled at: being optimistic unless fighting, keeping out telepathy
Good characteristics: known to fight for what she believes in
Character flaws: when pushed over the edge of emotion, will erupt usually violently
Mannerisms: sarcastic to anyone else until friends but polite with her immediate kin
Peculiarities: her scar
Biggest regret: not saving her mother
Minor regrets: keeping her Best friend anaphordisied when someone falls for him.
Biggest accomplishment: revenging herself oh-so slowly
Minor accomplishments: killing her father
Darkest secret: murdered her father for murdering her mother and being framed with it, paid for her time in an asylum.
Does anyone know: not that she's aware of
How did they find out: probably records
One word they would use to describe themselves: malevolent
Ten different words they would use to describe themselves: beautiful, lethal, pandemonium, elegant, merciless, vengeful, contradicting, depressed, anthropomorphous, sulking
What do they consider their best physical characteristic and why: her eyes say so much about her & they are beautiful
The worst one, Why: her scar, makes her skin feel “imperfect” or ugly
How they think others preserve them: cold with no reason behind her actions, that no one would be in their right mind would think about trying to like or even love her, if you happen to figure out she killed her father but don't know why- they may be afraid or disgusted.
What four things would they most like to change about themselves, Why: no more depression, no more killing, no more scar, no more people fearing her
If they were changed would they be the same person, why/why not: yes, her past wont change who she is regardless of what you take from her; she is scared.
Would changing of number 1 make them more happy, Why/why not: yes, if it were possible to remove her depression she it might make her happier or it may make another emotion of a volatile type fill in the gap
Interaction with other people:
How do they relate to others: "human form things and stuff
How are they perceived -
strangers: Usually cautious
Friends: a pack always protects it's leader
Wife/husband/lover: (Best friend, under her anaphordisie pharamones only with her species. [means he is celibate until she wills]
First impression of the char, why: sarcastic, uncomfortable around people, her body language and aura seep with her feelings and it would make you uncomfortable and vigilant around her, her quick movements and eye contact may or may not cause flight or fight symptoms
What do people like most about this char: her personality and her looks
What do they dislike most about them: her anger and bloodlust
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