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[»]Name: Arkhun
[»]Title: The Raven
[»]Age: N/A (Presumably stunted or nullified by magic)
[»]Gender: Male
[»]BloodType: AB
[»]Race: Homo-Magi
[»]Alias/Codename: Raven
[»]Alignment: Evil/Neutral
[»]Affiliation: The Defiant
[»]Marital Status: Widowed
[»]Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
[»]Your Song:Dawn
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[»]Height: 6'0
[»]Weight: 212 lbs
[»]Body Type: MEsomorph
[»]Skin Color: Dark-skinned, clearly of ethnic descent
[»]Natural Eye Color: Dark brown, almost black
[»]Natural Hair Color: Dark brown
[»]Distinct Markings None, save for a small, nondescript scar on the bottom left of his lip
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(A brief synopsis of your character's past. Let's hear your origin story.)
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[→]Five Major Personality Traits:
[»]Leading by proxy
[»]Maintaining control
[»]Learning something new
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[→]Threat Level:
[→]Powers/Skills Necromancy
[»] Stats