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Virtues Of Life
A Philosophy containing the values of mankind to reality and a story from perspective of my mind. But the truth is, others may have lived it, to memory of much remains. Conflicting is the thought and life of myself to mankind.
Angelic Defense
What is an angel among men to control destiny in the place of God or for life to decide hey come to the divine and speak? Yet when the divine to what is noble meets, they are to be dignified even though they have a mutual reason or perhaps it is not my place to decide but to question how did we get here in the first place as a a concern apart from the fact is does Death really tell the truth to mankind, or is life accused before Death trying to make a case argument falsely.

To that of each, does the angelic or death seek one the other out a purpose?

Do angels argue among themselves after Death tries to be like God?
Who among them an Angel raises words besides that due part of the sword?

Or yet do angels fight among one another as that of decisions of council to man?
Who darkens counsel among the Lord or who brightens or shines His reputation?

In modern day, as compared to the book of Job. We are in the year 2020 and age of technology. So should we as a people or man not understand the past to modern aspects. So you would think, till the seed loses its respect towards vitality.

Yet Life if found innocent would be not judged according to what it sought among both life and death?

For I know Man has knowledge of the divine, and I shall be put to the test under a trial (or councils) as I had told them of Angels (pure and wicked) or fallen (the IYRIN) a speech in one of my journals about a matter with tribulation of the end times and or rather the first beings of light. Who would I side with when they the first light touch the Earth?

God will not join the wicked for there is no wickedness in God's heart.
Though one made the wicked, his purpose was righteous.
And I as a man place my eyes not in God's position. Nor am I the Devil.

The angel of destiny spoken to me by death was unknown, but why one has appointed me for death or life is unknown... Even the angels speak as guardians to tempters of mankind yet who among them besides God was pure and righteous. For they are ministers and spirits of fire or the Godhead make them as such.
after researching the angel of destiny title...

I must have this conversation though I will not summon as a man, for I am not a diviner to exorcist to would a spirit test a man where vice also be true to one could avoid that ancient mistake of summoning and craft. Which others tend to forget. As I am a mono-theist and respected or shunned among councils good and wicked,

I shall not practice after learning a hard way or seeing others of powers fall before me in time. I have conquered the idealistic thoughts of my heart when it comes down to respect towards much.

For I am a mono-theist and not a reject-or of truth with faith rather than falseness.

The name of the angel of destiny who put me on a list for death unless it was one of death was.... one of the Arch Angels for which I know not unless told to proven.

Seen as the powers to mankind or my belief rather. The angelic being mentioned was the council above (Archangel Raphael), during, and after of (Oriel).

Mankind knows there are ten layers to heaven if so represented as a single whole in the bible if not expanding more among the plane of physics which limitation to mankind has broken the Bible down into its parts to prove or disprove what mankind has written among its heart. Such is also a failing or strength.

Is it true that I saw heaven and hell use the internet? Well we are in a future society. The equation is messed up with reasoning before me baffling life and death as a cure of social means. Yet the reality could be fake, the spirit is not if such memory exist among us humanity being lost with the efforts of communication to I saw the same figure find me or recognize me behind a disguise after ten years and seeing it once though I had not seen it in a long time - which is a good and bad for mankind to the searchers who find life and death before their eyes.

Life and Death should be baffled on how man knows their thoughts aside from the fact of research and existence on the mortality of mankind as myself.

In modern day time, the story about meeting death is questionable. Though people wonder in times of suffering compared to unexpected meeting where really life is accused - though as a part of life I do not accuse the totality.

It is true children of death will gather with death, by that I mean for it, to that of life eventually fade of much goodness and wickedness. There is no wickedness in purity or the intentions of life; though life and death are holy. A man can also be such though have a sinful nature. I never once said that life and death were perfect and nor did I accept the totality of all truths as my own, for that is part of my research mission or statement is to understand and be guided or spoken to in some decision. Eventually as a man, I might be forced to decide, but my answer is still the same when it comes to God shows no partiality among justification among the good and the wicked.

The fact that life is a searcher or some have shut the gates, to that of heretic is the life, the life restricts itself from the sight of God. But at the same time, Death shuts itself to death and life. Or what if the two were to meet and we find the true source of that living life. It is an argument that much has been preserved which is that memory of the forgotten first LORD.

What if in fact life is connected to that Lord and I have memory of it? The spirit of God will not always strive with Mankind or knowledge as such the first to twentieth century fade as dust in the wind.

Life is not sinless but the holiness of intention reaches far beyond death for its being first and having being a creation maker and expand to preserve, if such it knew two alternate forms.

You wonder where is the speaker or the words of life representation to the first of beings for which my faith still holds genuine. This is after life has proved scripture void through life and death trying its best to destroy belief among the people who are lost or not knowing.

To that of such life makes a choice to accept its reasons for suffering or environment. For I have accepted Jesus existed but he was savior of the east to man. Perhaps in time, much concludes a cross of change rather than saying that a man is God. Yes I acknowledge him as God for his connection to the first, but I did not say that one is God the Father.

But where one says I and my father are one, you ask who did Jesus pray to aside from the facts of the Old to New Testament. The book would then have to have started from the Middle of the Bible for much timeline of man to be accurate aside from the creation of the Earth to that of Revelation.

The book of Enoch and such books as others ripped from the Bible, was in fact the middle of the Bible or books considered to be false to man cause written by apostolic authors yet proven.

As such be the of trinity and holy spirit. Is why the Cross symbol has stood powers of time and stands even when crucified or exiled from society.

No I do not blaspheme purity as to accuse spirit, but test. As that is the one unforgivable sin according to that Christian. Is why perhaps the angels fail to death among its cause to blame life for pride when in fact Godhead the first was righteous.

Yet the truth be told that those who have cheated death will eventually be found strangely though those who expect it will not find it. It is I heard from death and others themselves it is better to die, where as Jesus and I said it is better to live than to die yet fought a first Devil or was tempted of ancient order.

We come to a story two thousand or so years into the future and time does not really repeat itself in the same method though life is baffled how a man of mentality and research on life could go through these thoughts and life itself an ancient crisis assume it of much. For through forced confessions of death granted a man unto life? Or did life learn of its own consequences?

Such be of them both.

Yet quite the contradictory where life or death as beings finds itself immortal and yet suffers pain to the other exception clause knowledge unlimited is of each. Even my typing cannot contain the truth as a whole to why life seeks its reason - being myself to understanding of the issues of life besides my research or observations made with accuracy to living. The prophets spoke by words of mouth and predictions came true.

There is no future prophet of past besides Christ and I did state life was a continuation though one as myself had predictions of own come true.

I had predicted a man's sermon to see the eyes of radiance as though I am the blind man. Yet through my way, I had acknowledged. Note that I did not say worship cause people find falseness in this term. Yet one does serve whatever regardless they can whatever they search for truth or not.

I said I had the name of a prophet but I speak true of my name.
Perhaps even the prophets had a name connected to God.
God has disregarded his own name in the flesh but in spirit kept true.
By that I mean rebuke, yet glory is spoken of.

I do not seek immortality, bribes, or powers except answers as a man, to be an individual thinker, though part of this could be the reason why even Death to Life are unsearchable to finding out one for their means to exist with what also is a test among men and women. I will not shove my belief down the throat but part of it is a lesson to me from life to that of I will defend the truth as a whole, and not dishonesty to my behavior. We would be responsible for our own choices.
The law does not save a man and others use God as an excuse to make it.

How did I know I met death despite the fact of cheering for the fact I am not suicidal. Well... I would have been one to know myself as not cheating but an unfortunate sufferer to that of hey, the darkness reaches where it can reach even disguised as light among the branches. Even light disguised as darkness could be light. The two coexist though what was the motivation that would inspire an angel to fall to pride wanting to be like the other or life to make an alternate?

I am not the Devil nor am I God. As I stated before, I will not put myself in it of position of them, though my words to research reasoning might have broken the laws of balance to physics by understanding existence where other angels have spoken to me of their deeds perhaps wanting to put one on death's list for understanding.

Thereby many expect life and death as it comes but will find one or the other to that of suffer both. There is healing in both disregarding the fact each one has some type of blessing or penalty that goes with it.

A sick man or being would want to die or others to burn to that of themselves hell fire; but others would consider life caring as careless for their suffering; yet life heal.

It is not true that life does not have its means. In thus by seeking the answer to this question disregarding the fact that some speak...

The children of wickedness will only support both or one with the intention. The value of a man expresses individuality among spirits.

Where man sought to destroy God in flesh and have to spirit wound the mentality, it among life's choice to life's insight to conclusion or prediction is wickedness unless defined by a pure standard.

Spirit would have more of a test by man to the reason if it is a part of such, why destroy the element of itself as it inserted itself and made life and all beings.
Perhaps the memory of it is eternal and manifest therefore the God's memory awakes in the hearts of man over forgotten knowledge with life.

The energies flow as time, space, and matter and darkness of death and life could not comprehend God's reason until mentioned or inherited. What the man and devil sought to control sources of life, such is a fall of pride.

Nor should the mind of God meet the flesh of the living Lord less it permits of its own accord to glory. So referring to the Ark of God. - Is why man cannot touch the holiness of something that should not today be around certain locations or should not be handled with due exception carefully by men and God to hold account.

I asked myself... The Lord spoke to Samuel the prophet of old.
Did the Lord do the same to me?

As that which is spoken of Saul. The oracle of End-or was deceived and why summon the Prophet Samuel or the priest from the dead with a demonic method? Indeed to obey is better than sacrifice.

The Lord was or is with Samuel if such be that case but truth be told... Even the Lord does not know his name in the flesh or perhaps has many, to true which indeed are protected.

The name Elohim I have stood by for the longest for it being a pure name found of innocence. The name Yahweh of the Tetrahedron is the Lord of Israel.
Through a divine name is protection regardless of any man's sin to mine.
And such being is not power alone, but greater the life and its source.

As far as the Ark of God, is they know it shall go back to its place to be found one day hopefully not by man alone but by providence of divinity.

It is not for mankind to decide destruction trying to manipulate God or that of life.
For indeed they are a chapter to sustainability and one as I count in conclusion. As the ancient made that mistake to the older who knows how lethal their generation.

My acknowledgement as a sinful man accepting of both natures will ultimately force me to believe in God and other concepts mentioned by life and death alike, yet the importance is the respect and not just vain to empty worship in a systematic gain of glories. Indeed such be a matter of existence to reason.

I have made up my mind in this that God has a purpose to use me a man to preach a message, though not to force a man. But, indeed, I teach truth as I see which is indeed life for which mankind has as a whole dis-acknowledged.

Whether I like it or not, one thinks individually and that seems to separate man from angel, for they thought like God and rebelled.

Mankind is innocent of the Devil's old crime, and not a choice made to follow.

A man can know more knowledge than I on subject matters but without the truth life and education to that of what is pertained of mankind is empty.

Is what I have problem with when a man of faith denies the works that prove before their very eyes. For in them, they sought the same truth yet reject.

It makes Life almost as bad as if not worse than Judas.
For I have repented and learned the way of the Cross.

A path of change though standing it has through the chaos of it all.
Is I did not say the man or being was immortal. But power of life stands proven.

The power does not stand over truth.
And one sought truth in his heart.

For the heart is desperately wicked and who could know it?
Did I argue my own fear or is it my ego conquered of alternate hearts within?
And thus, there is always a separation of what does exist to what was not.

Therefore, they coexist as life and death try to find answers thus baffling the trinity.

But the truth is. I sought not to break this, yet it has proven it more and more...
Noble to me is God and that of the triangle, for it has protected mankind.
That of which O thou man as I broken of law thus persecuted.

I stand in the place as a peacemaker in defense of truth and not accusation.
And I suppose, such was Christ regardless because he held compassion.

In his anger though slow to it perhaps,
God the first and a Son after for this reason was righteous.

The problem of perfection is life mortality to happiness and split of thought to sadness of the penalty of death - for Christ rose Lazarus a friend.

The problem to death is the crucifix of what is true and nothingness to chaos.

When peace and wickedness come together, which side do I stand on?
For the Godhead will not support the wicked as that of a man had council by it.

His thoughts are not our thoughts, and his ways not our ways.
Yet I say to the man of mortality as myself.

For I had sought truth in my heart to not know God through oppression or disbelief, then discover from rebuke maybe, but love each regardless of goodness and wickedness and hold my grudge not but for what is righteous among itself to that totality which then life prove of each.

A man broke all ten commandments, yet repents and lives.
So he gives you a testimony that is of man. Let life spare for a time.

He was cursed of wisdom mute, yet blessed. Life is blameless though I am not for having sin in life - compared to Christ.

Yet life spared life and so has good and wicked a man.
Therefore one is forgiven and considers themselves forgiven and a new creature.
They have a path to choose and welcome life or death to a consequence.

He eventually the man or being will realize God the first before darkness and light.
And this of the angels who sought powers to earth, these things pass before my Lord our God.

I am not perfect a man at action, but where my heart rests is peace or chaos.
For I was given a crown of life and may not witness death or life for this reason.

I sought to help others not for immortality and manipulation, but my research is essence of all to a sign there is truly a life that sees peaceful perspective.

War I had not seen of my days in time, though I had seen how wicked and raciest or nationalistic I am to the world. I had seen them... casting purity for wickedness and vice people slaughter due to fear or population or similarity to power clash of culture.

Wherefore my heart remain with God or not regardless of man's reason to my own, their is the heart also of God.

Before them, they will force me to choose a path both ways.
If each the house stands, the councils of life or death will argue.
But in knowledge in truth of this there is peace.

Like I said, I am not God but it is hopefully not I the Lord,
But the Lord with my will not alone speaking in me.

As I am not blameless like he who was sinless I will say this.
Like He, being Christ I too was beloved by two councils rather than one.

Where as Christ was denied the first, I was persecuted, found blameless, and given mercy. Christ was given acknowledgement yet mankind turned their eyes.

Christ - I am no better than He. For he was Holy and of God.
Sparing the innocent among that of life and healing with not just deeds but heart.

Christ and I, in some way are connected. But I know He was God and in my heart,
I understand where I am forced to make a choice like Christ.

I shall let life have its glory. To that of not be perfect, but understand truth.

To death I state you mean well to me to at least be honest with me and found blameless for your reasons aside from falseness to commit against life and vice the same of life to cheat death.

If I were to accept the kingdoms... Christ accepted the crucifix.
I accepted truth over that of glory in me and did not accept pride.

When Christ meets Christ or of its ego.
It will be the Lord shall take his ego and test it.
Then the Lord say to my Lord meaning our God...
You are my God for which I had sought, therefore found I compassion.

Thou hast loved Christ because he first loved you.

Therefore the past example of this would be though not according to my reason - the Father referring to God said to His Son being Christ at the Baptism of John,

This is my Son for Whom I am well pleased. It is the spirit took him up.
So also he was tried by the Devil forty days or so in the desert and asked of a serpent.

He talked with Death and revoked the rewards of Death.
For he found life in this and not on his choice but the Godhead's will.

I know God is not the Devil. Nor is the Devil God. For whom did the angels minister to, was also that of Christ.

The angels council-ed with God.

Indeed do I for this reason as one, to many more than this, reconcile to my Lord's rebuke and honor the true God.

I respect Christ for being the Son, though I cannot say one is God besides connection. So life may rebuke me on that. But as far as my defense. I did acknowledge though I was blind in my deeds to thoughts.

Anything against Christ is an antichrist.
But also anything supporting of Christ is Christlike.

Love is that source of life which is so.
Above my truths, angelic, purity or wicked, and man.

The angels ate of the tree of life compared to the man.
The man ate of the tree of knowledge manipulated by Death's deceit.
Because Death also ate of immortality, the fruit of life, it was with scar.
It could not find its own emotion and therefore was not like God but prideful.
But the man knows the angels fell immortal and life was merciful to each.
Life split itself among many good and the wicked and guarded mankind.

The man understands and is individual respecting all sides.
Is choice that God gave us free will. Thus we make a choice.
And the world for total peace or total war, is chaos.

Therefore they coexist among us the man.
Or they hide themselves con-seal-meant of us each a spirit.
We each in some way have honored God, that first being.

And that is one reason I said to them you cannot get rid of the Godhead to the LORD true. For you are the Lord's memory.

Death cannot find death, and life must search for life or expect to welcome it.

Mankind as I, know not what they do. And thus Christ forgave us.
And where death succeeded after life. Christ beat Death.
His memory is with a new Lord or form of spirit.

I will not manipulate the Lord.
But I had also chosen in my mind.
Let the spirits rest.

Never had I once said harm a spirit or that of the flesh.
But eventually each would heal.
For Christ was a healer of his people.

Angry at the accuser was He our God.
Death, he was sad towards though created it.
With my God, he longs to remove our suffering.
It is God in control of Death to unleash on us the man.

This I would not do if one were blameless but manifest.
Yet the Lord is patient, and love is kind.
I speak in defense of our God.

The same goes for when I lost my mind with condition.
Yet ages partial to more memory and much gained.
For I was healed and rebuked.

For I loved God regardless of what I was.
Life taught life this at the youth.
An elder must be reborn again.

Who besides the Devil himself in-sighted God to harm Job without cause?
And that is to say righteous and justified was God.

God does tempt man, but he also the Devil had tempted God.
Man cannot tempt God but ask for clarity of understanding.

And in this, I was in the right aspect of my reason to know truth.
But I defend not the Devil. Nor do I defend my action a man, but truth in life to God.

God will decide what to do with my heart as a spirit manifests itself to myself and others and the world. The chaotic to life ask for a sign, and the only sign they get is none for mankind sought God to manipulate powers.

A man can tell a man are you as I in not much condemnation and you are wrong.
I will say to them, you hypocrite as to agree with self thought and to say you also thought the same as I for which we both agree.

Is perhaps in my mind one theory why Christ said to the thief "You shall be with me in paradise."

They both spat upon Christ yet one honored God regarding the heart and therefore life acknowledges mercy to death also spared with mercy its own.

It is true.
I am a Christian.
Though test my belief O death only, you would test them all again besides me.
Thus, you have known by my confession in it is not your defense but life.

I am forced to put myself as God or the Devil, but as I said before.

I am a Man, and will be such until God makes the conclusion over that of man to the being.

I know in my heart, God exists and am not an agnostic to falseness.
Thousands of years from now not my memory O LORD, but thine.

I rest knowing I am a man individual of the Godly and Demonic of Councils together.
For they whom of the laws which I speak persecute their own in one another.
Such is the concept of the heavens when they go to war or make peace.
And ancient history of destruction shall God not repeat without cause.

For Mankind has also made a right choice in thus to the life.
To go along with what is accepted, they too life and death have honored God.
Not in the eyes of mankind or divine which have honored.

But each one, a memory to perception of God.

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