1. How much gold do you have? - 2476. If only I had that IRL.
2. How much gold do you wish to have? - 10,000. But why stop there? Why not 50,000?
3. Are you questing something? - I just want a new haircut like any other teenage girl. >.>
4. If so what? - ... This could have been tacked on to question #3.
5. How much more gold do you need till you have enough to get your questing item? - Some number between 0 and 10,000.
6. Whats the first letter of your first name? - K
7. Can you stand on your hands? - Stand being the operative word, right? (a.k.a. YES)
8. How many seconds? - 10 if I'm lucky.
9. how old are you? - Physically, eighteen. Mentally, thirteen. Spiritually, eighty five.
10. What is the most interesting thing you've done today? - Daydream about a waiter. Oh, interesting as what's decided by the general public? Does watching/obsessing about House count? The day's still young... I might go to a rave party for all you people know.
11. Do you ever find pictures in the clouds? - I once saw a cloud shaped like a dragon. Eating a bunny. Not kidding.
12. Do you remember your dreams? - I wouldn't be so mentally scarred if I didn't.
13. What are some of your dreams? (If you cant remember your dreams just scream) - There was this one time I made out with Jason Stratham... another where I was flying over the ocean... another one where I almost blew up my old school...
14.Do you dream in color or black and white? - Do I need to see a doctor if I say both?
15. Which is your favorite emotion? - Sarcastic or lovey dovey... both make me feel as happy as a smiley... ^_^
16. Have you ever been out of the country? - ... Rub it in my face, why don't you... ¬.¬
17. If so where? (If not punch yourself in the face) - How about I punch a punching bag for my apparent dislike for other countries. Which is not true. I want to go to Spain, France, Italy and Japan.
18. Do you like pocky? - My friends will tell you I eat it like how people smoke cigarettes. No, I don't have a nicotine problem and yes, I love Pocky.
19. What time is it where you are? - 11:11 PM.
20. What is your favorite brand of shoes? - Saucony.
21. Can you multi task? - If I can watch House, obsess about the show, do this quiz, and daydream of a waiter, I'd like to think I can.
22. Do you shave your legs? - No, no, no. Of course not. Not nearly painful enough. I PLUCK. Try doing that without flinching.
23. Who are you with right now? - Mentally, Hugh Laurie, Robert Sean Leonard and my waiter guy. Physically, my mom. And if this question is directed to mean girlfriend or boyfriend, then my second answer would be most awkward, wouldn't it?
24. Who do you wish you were with right now? - Oh, so 23 WAS directed to mean girlfriend/boyfriend. In that case, I wish I was with Hugh Laurie, Robert Sean Leonard AND my waiter guy.
25. What was the last thing you read? - Japanese Sentences for Effective Communication.
26. What type of car do you drive, or if you don't drive, what type of car do you want to drive? - Gods, I want my Jaguar. v.v;;
27. Do you prefer reading or watching television? - When I was younger, it would have been reading. Ever since I first laid eyes on Law and Order, it was the latter.
28. What is your favorite forum? - Every forum except the one with this quiz. I question my sanity at times.
29. Why do you like that forum? - ... BeCAUSE they don't have this quiz? Perhaps?
30. What was the last forum you posted in? - Don't remember.
31. Do you prefer shoes, sandals, or bare-feet? - Shoes. A girl's gotta be able to run away when necessary.
32. What is the fourth letter of your state (or province)? - I
33. Witch color do you mostly type in? - Black. The same color as my hair and my clothes.
34. What is your favorite song? - At this point in time? Cry Me A River. But who knows? Check in with me tomorrow. It'll be the Tuesday Special: What a Difference a Day Makes.
35. How do you like your hamburgers? - Rare. With onions and lettuce. But NO pickles. Rawr.
36. Who do you love? - My mother. I think you all know the other three candidates by now.
37. Who is your favorite author? - Shakespeare. But he's a playwright and a poet. So... I guess... Ah, hell. I like most authors. NEXT!!
38. What toppings would you have on your pizza? - Italian sausage, onions, and pepperoni.
39. Do you like macaroni and cheese? - Yeah, sure. When I'm desperate. No, no, I like it, I promise.
40. Whats the weather like outside? - ... Dark? It's night time you know.
41. Why do you like Gaia? - Why I used to like it? Because I got to make new friends just as crazy as I am! smile
42. How long have you been a member of Gaia? - Three years? It's been a while.
43. Do you like candles or electric lights better? - Electric lights because I like my eyes. Candles are a VERY close second... even if it is second.
44. Whats the most romantic setting? - The apartment living room.
45. Whats your favorite sport to watch? - Volleyball.
46. Glasses, contacts, or neither? - Green contacts when I feel like it.
47. Have you eaten since you took this quiz? - I'm still taking this damn quiz, or at least a part of it, which is preventing me from doing so.
48. If so what? (If not wish you had) - ... Riiiiiight
49. Was it good? It probably would have been.
50. Can I have some? - If you have an alternate universe machine, yeah you can.
51. Do you like jump drives? - HALLEJUAH FOR THE STICK O' POWER!!
52. What are you afraid of? - Of fear itself. Duh.
53. At the grocery store, do you pick paper or plastic bags? - Plastic. Such a useful resource isn't it?
54. Are you right or left handed? - Right
55. Do you flame much? - I burn a lot of things, yeah. Pixel ones. No.
56. Do you receive flames often? - Never. I'd like to keep it that way, thanks.
57. What pets do you have? - Two fish.
58. How many pets do you have? - ... I killed two birds with one answer.
59. What are their names? - Keanu and Reeves. Mom's idea. Seriously.
60. Is there a pet you wish you had? - Black jaguar.
61. Which is your least favorite emotion? - Fear/angst caused by someone else's anger.
62. Boxers, briefs, underwear or thongs? (If you go commando slap yourself) - Underwear. Thank you very much.
63. Would you rather play, or listen to music? - As much as I want to do the former, I love the latter more.
64. What kind of toothpaste do you use? - The two colored one: blue and white.
65. Have you ever Prank Called Someone? - No. Wish I had.
66. Have you ever prank called 911? ((not a good idea)) - See #65.
67. Have you ever called 911 because it was a real emergency? - Once. But after 24 hours because my mom told me what she felt was 'not that bad'. Pfft. Remind me to listen to myself more often.
68. Do you have a messy room? - Fifty-fifty.
69. What is your deepest darkest secret ever? ((dont have to tell if you dont want to)) - Well OBVIOUSLY if you give the option of not answering...
70. Have you ever eaten squid? - Yeah. It's gooooood.
71. What color is your hair? - I KNOW I answered this in a previous answer... Black, btw.
72. What color are your eyes? - Dark brown.
73. Do you look anyting like your avatar? - Uh. Sort of. Except I don't have fox ears and a fox tail.
74. What are you currently saving up for in real life? - My own apartment.
75. Have you ever played Neopets? - Spent five minutes. Wasn't too impressed. Pretty colors though.
76. If you have, what did you think about it? - ...
77. How many cousins do you have? - 7, I think.
78. What language do you want to learn? - Japanese, Spanish, Italian, French, Russian, Chinese, and German.
79. Do you cuss often? - Yes.
80. What color are the pants you are currently wearing? - .... No comment.
81. What is your least favorite food? - Olives and pickles.
82. Have you ever eaten duck? - Hell yeah.
83. What is your favorite thing to say? - Why don't people listen to me?
84. What is your favorite thing to type? - ... Words. Most definitely. I dislike typing numbers.
85. Do you have a retainer? - Yeah. Question that you didn't ask: Do you wear it often? No.
86. Do you wear hats often? - No. [/b}
87. Do you like to wear dresses? - >.> HELL no.
88. Have you ever snowboarded? - T.T No...
89. Have you ever seen the movie Pirates of the Caribbean? - POC rules.
90. Have you ever seen a Broadway play? - ... Don't make me cry... T.T
91. If so, what was it? - *bawls*
92. What do you do most on Gaia? - Take stupid quizzes. Because I'm such a good masochist like that.
93. Have you ever won the lottery? - No.
94. Spongebob or The Simpsons? - NEITHER.
95. Would you consider yourself a "dark" person? - >.> Like you haven't figured that one out already?
96. Have you ever signed a petition? - No. Sounds cool. I'll make it a point to.
97. If so, what for? - Do I have to answer?
98. What channel do you watch most on TV? - FOX for obvious reasons. (HOUSE)
99. Sneakers or flip-flops? - Sneakers. But wasn't this covered earlier?
100. What is your favorite day of the week? - Fridays.
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You won't catch me answering a hundred questions anytime soon; I lost interest in questionaires quite a bit ago. Dx