Figured I might as well...
Well, if Naz-kun can update her jounal, so can I!...
...I got a new Fruits Basket Roleplay up in the RP Guild of Randomness? So far only Me, Kirisali, and Nazget have joined..Lilbaka said she might submit one if time permits. Let's hope she can, eh? Feel free to check out the guild and request to join if your not already in the guild! Here's the banner (aka clicky thing that takes you there):

We'd love any new people who feel they want to join! Go ahead and send a request.
...Now? Nothing comes now. I don't know what you would expect.
...I wish journal could be like profiles. That'd be fun. Design the background like your profile...Maybe there's a thread out there somewhere where someone else thought of the idea, and now they're trying to get other people to agree. Someone with a...
A petition! Yush, that's the word. Good word. Good, solid word...
...Boy, I'm tired. x.x; Fell asleep at 11:40, woke up at 7:20...Eh. Most people can survive on less. I can't. XoX;;; Then again, some people can only survive on more. And by survive, I mean...Erg. Not be tired when they wake up.
..I remember once where I fell asleep at 11:50 or something while I was trying to finish my homework...Then I woke up at five and had to read almost the entire other half of 'Killer Angels' in a few hours and answer all the questions. v.v;
Whoops. Didn't mean to click submit. Shows how tired I am. Hold on, let me edit it...
Okay. Much better. *Yawn.* Well, I guess all things must come to a close. Even wonderful things, such a-a-as this journal entry. Well, then, I'll be seeing you.
In my dreams. o.O;
Edit: I'm thinking of maybe getting the Pita-Ten series...I already have the first manga, and there are only eight volumes over all...Maybe I'll use my secret money that I've been saving up... *Shifty eyes.* *Coughbutyouweren'tsupposedtoknowthatsojustletmegetmypepperspray...!Cough*
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