I liked Kill Hannah before Lips Like Morphine.
I liked My Chemical Romance before Helena.
I liked AFI before Miss Murder.
I liked FFTL before Heroine.
I liked The Used before Maybe Memories.

(Okay, the list could go on.)

And now all the teenies are into these bands, & many others.
Ecspecially, right now, all the kids think they're awesome
Because they like 'Lips Like Morphine' by Kill Hannah,
Or 'Miss Murder' by AFI,
Or pretty much the most popular ones as I listed above.

Yea, I'm most likely talking about you.
People are such posers these days,
& I'm sorry, but it really pisses me off.


You kids think you're awesome if you're emo.
You're not;
Being depressed or suicidal is nothing to joke or be proud about.
It's sad how these days everyone strives to be something rather than someone.
(I'd have way more to say if I weren't in a hurry right now.)

This is my opinion on things,
No need to flame me.
Just go along & live your life.