another survey
1. First best friend:Amber and Ashley
2. First crush: The invisible man.
3. First screen name:Nepture something or other
4. First pet: Pumpkin I think, the only one I can remember.
5. First Bike: I think it was, BLUE!! yeah...little mermaid, no that was a tricycle...nevermind.
1. Last cigarette: I'm asthmatic, YOU figure it out dip s**t.
2. Last good cry:many moons ago.
3. Last beverage drank: COFFEE
4. Last food consumed:Shrimp, first in four days.
5. Last crush: The invisible man...(don't get cheeky bitches)
6. Last phone call: ...Dale.
1. Do you have a best friend: Yes
2. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: damn, repetitive are we?
1. Where are your favorite places to is shopping sucks no matter where.
2. Fav. items of clothing: My huge sweat pant thingys and my dads old shirt...damn, you'd think I was on my period or something (<----Ari has very little tact at times)
1. Do you do drugs: NO....well...perscription, but that's not what you meant, is it, you nosey son of a b***h (Why do I do these things, I know I'll react like this?)
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: Whatever I can nick from my family.
3. What are you most scared of: Idiots in large groups in power.
4. What would you change about yourself: nothings physical, I don't give a s**t what I look like....maybe I want more feeling, although I'm told it's a real drag.
1. Colors: Black and White (<---You, yeah you, in the back row, translate into laymens terms from your psychobabble what this means!!!)
2. Food: I hate meat, but give me cat in a chinese ********, temporary lapse in spelling, it'll pass folks, I swear)and I'd probably eat it. NO, I am not being literal.
3. Subject in school: The bus ride home.
4. Animals: KITTY!
5. Sports: uck, what a waste of time.
6. Movie: Nitemare Before Christmas, Fahrenheit 9/11
1. Given anyone a bath: kitty?
2. Smoked:I was's a good ******** deterant lemme tell ya.
3. Made yourself throw-up: don't think so.
5. Been in love: lol! hell ******** no.(<--what a way with words I have...have you noticed?)
1. Clothes: huge a** shirt and baggy sweat pants. ahhh...comfort.
2. Music: Nirvana
3. Make-up: no no no....Moi o natural.
1. Imed: ::thinks:: I dunno, I have been on the comp in four days...whaddya want from me?!?
2. Last person who slept at your house:Boogeyman
3. Last persons house you slept at:um? dun member.
1. In the morning I am: Pure ********' evil.
2. Love: do not get me started dammit.
3. I dream about: mostly nothing.
1. You Love: Slightly personal there.
2. You hate: Willing Ignorance. And being taken for granted...hell I hate alot of things, isn't there a post limit?
3. You fear: Being....shortchanged.
4. You Hope:to make a difference before I die, which might be why i'm still alive, or it used to be.
5. You Feel: not much
6. You Miss: Candace and Mary.
7: You want: two important people in my life to be orgasmically happy, and you two better know who you are! heart
8. You Learned: That I don't know anything, I'm hoping to learn something by the time I die, but wouldn't it be a tad too late?
9. You fell: flat on my back.
10. You wait: For something interesting to happen, Or life to start.
11. You Need: Stimulating conversation. If I have that I'm gravy.
Understanding: Always, It may be an act, but you won't know that.
Open-minded:Always, Unless your idea is truely and utterly stupid.
Insecure: I seem to be? I shouldn't.
Interesting: So I"ve been told.
Hungry: almost never, hence the sustanance hiatus
Friendly: tell me, you've read my responses, do you ******** think i'm friendly?
Smart: I've been told.
Moody: Next mood swing, 6 ********, I might be manic-depressive.
Childish: Every once in a while
Independent: me....Naw.
Hard working: Is the labor worth my time. I'm practical is what I am.
Organized: Depends(<--"can't get a straight answer from her" "SHUT UP YOU!!!" wink
Healthy: I have my fair share of medical problems.
Emotionally Stable: I'm not sure how to answer I'll ignore it.
Shy: not really
Difficult: All the flippin time
Bored Easily: All the flippin time
Responsible: I looking after myself or others. No to the former, and yes to the latter.
Sad: Frustrated, my cliche' fiend....Frustrated.
Happy: I'll make it.
Trusting: Never
Talkative: Am I mad?
Lonely: No...I miss people, but I'm not lonely.
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^$#^ing Waste of time this is...
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Proudly Anti-Twilight
If Edward and Bella Cullen were standing on the edge of a cliff, 90% of Americans would freak, 9% would yell JUMP! If you're the 1% who would give them a final push, put this in your signature
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Community Member
luv ur sis,
heart Candace heart
P.S. uve been dubbed my sister... SO U BETTER LIKE IT..GOT i have had no sleep in the past 3 days so my brain shut down, well running a lil slow ...k well ttyl