Hey people, I've decide to try and start a journal. I'm not quite sure that I'll post everyday though so you all know. Well today was another boring day especially since I din't get to talk to my Princess much. Then of course when she did get home she had to scare me, or should I say have her sister do that.
xp I did school in the morning then later I did got called in to work today to help my Dad do some extra since Vacation is soon. I can't wait! I even have drawings down of what I want to make, I just hope it will all work. That and the ocean doesn't wash it away to easy. The good part is I only had 5 jobs todo today, 2 of which were the same, so it was all good. Almost got mad today, but I did good and calmed down without anyone noticing. Just gotta not let the little things bite at me so much. The I had something else come to me and bug me, but I won't let that bug me cause I will find out when the time is right. I only wonder why I thought of it tonight.
Well anyway, I am happy because I talked to Hannah and as always she made me happy. Oh and she even made me a drawing of my Avi, I think it's so cute. She's better than she thinks she is, not to mention she is too nice to me. There is one thing I would of like todo today that I didn't get to, work on my story. I think it is going pretty good though and I got some good ideas for it. It really helps that it's based on me and Hannah as characters. Lastly I miss talking to Ana tonight and I hope she isn't to worried about Brian, as he seems fine today. Well until tommorow, see ya!
smile Question of the Day: Is it polite to ask a girl you love and are very close to a very personal question?
My Avi drawn by my Princess Hannah:

Picture of the Day I like: (Thanks to Deb)

Community Member
And Yush It's Fine!
Deb: =O You Stole The Picture! Evil! Evil! EEEVVVVIIIIILLLL!!!..... Ok I'm Done
Both: Anyway ^^ We Both Like It