Well well gaians...... Some really ******** up news and some potentially good news. Well I guess I'll start with the potentially good news first, Well I guess Dad was crying on the phone to Tina the other day and there actually talking on the phone now. I guess dad wants to sit down and actually talk for a change eek eek I really cant believe dad is actually being a man and coming in touch with his feelings its friggen amazing,lol. So I guess thats potentially good news. Mom got a real job so thats some awesome news to, that opens up so many really good possibilitys.
So thats the ooo hoo happy good news that I have, now lets move onto revelations and other things emo .
Well My brother C.J. has always had a nack for knocking sense into people with a wiffleball bat to the head. So last night thats pretty much exactly on the money of what happened. I was starting to fall fast for something that as its looking right now could never be for a lot of reasons. I just was blinding myself, and putting myself into one of my little made up worlds I get into with chicks. You see these worlds they feel,touch,taste,smell like there real but in reality there just not there. I have done this many times in the past before, and thought I was past my times in the fantasy world neutral neutral , But I guess I wasnt..... So now I guess where I go from here, is hop back on my Harley and continue down the road to this place that looks really interesting, and smells distinctly of cotton candy question .... This person I was falling fast for, Im still gonna be there for all of time I will have those millions of XX's OO's that I always have,and my blades ready to fend off any foes in her way heart biggrin .
So ya, either tonite or tommorow, im gonna call up my old freind Jamie, and see where that road leads me.
So Now im gonna try and pull myself up and stop listening to these sad a** songs.
Till next time Gaians, Pray for me,
xp Bo
Buildings burn people die but REAL love is forever-Eric Draven