Saturday is Saturday.
Okay, Zoe called me at 1:32 pm today, and we were on the phone until 5:26. ^^;;; Wows! And yet, neither of us can remember what in the world we were talking about for the past four hours. ^^;;; I know we started with me saying, "Oooh! Zoe! You did such a great job at the singing competition! I video-taped the whole thing!" and her saying, "Oh no! Did you seriously tape it?! And, is it not deleted?!", and we ended with her saying, "Okay, add one stick of butter...", and me saying "Wow, a whole thing of butter?" o.o Yeah...
Hehe. Zoe dropped an egg on Ms. Henry's carpet, and it broke. xD Kehehe...
And she stole that flower right out from under my avatar! Darn her... >.<;
Then both of our computer crashed at the same time. xD;;;
Good times, good tiiiimes...
In other news, I'm on page six of the KH thingy! ^^ I'm so rpoud of meh work! Even though I'm not even donw with the first day on Destiny Island, though. ._. I'll have to write more today...Hmm... *Ponder.*
Meh sister went back to UC Santa Cruz todaaay! I miiisss heeerrr.! *Sob.* How will I ever pass Latin now?! *Soooob.* Oh well. SHe'll be back next weekend to pick up the stuff she left behind...
Not much else. The whole day was spent playing Kingdom Hearts, and talking to Zoe. ^^;;;
The end! ^^
----------------------------------Whees! Edits! =D----------------------------------
Edit 1: "'Listen up. Flirting is...When a guy talks to a girl he doesn't know in the city or a store to invite them to hang around with them. The trick is to smile often, and show that you are a cheerful guy..If the girl agrees to come along, you can take her to a cafe or anywhere else you want. Entertain her plenty, smile constantly, and bring up conversations that modern girls would enjoy talking about. And be sure to include some modern amount of compliments in between. And you have to pay the bill. In simple, just act like Kurz-kun. (Said in ten seconds. Timed it. @.@)
Got it?! That's whta flirting is!'
'I cannot do that.'
'Don't look at me as if you're seeking help.'"
"'If...If I come back alive, will you be my girlfriend..?'
'Oh, I'll have to reject that.'
'How cruel.'"
Got that from this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wug5LXrMCkU . I wonder if Full Metal Panic is a good anime...One of these days I gotta list all the animes I've seen, and/or want to see...
Edit 2: Some good videos I found! ^^ Either for a good video, a good song in the background, or both! ^^
Good music: Bumblebee / Fruits Basket: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-ncm2ZYDIk
Interesting music: Princess Bride / Kaitou Saint Tail (Never seen that anime before. o.O): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4HsxrBmTnc
Good anime! Funny song (Ironic if you've seen the anime): It's Raining Men / Ouran High School Host Club: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqdyg7FjJqE&mode=related&search=
Both good! ^^: Dream a Dream / Ouran High School Host Club: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QAVuxhgr6c
It'll end there. o.o;;;;
Posted by: Mayfall Sun Sep 17, 2006 @ 02:28am
Community Member