Day-36: Colleage
Yes finally!!! I called the art institue of Vancouver yesturday and I was talking to a head director there for a course I want badly to take for my dream job and that is... Game art and design xd Oh god Im so happy and smiles, I got an interview tomarrow and I can't wait for it whee I basically draw characters out and write story boards for games and at the end the year and half course I get to create my own videogame xp Im so happy and they told me anything I make is leagally mine so they can't take it I was like wicked awesome I felt so good talking to him wink so yesturday was very very good and so is today..all I need to do is graduate highschool for my grade 12 deploma or GED12 and write an essay saying why they should choose to accept me for the school then if they do I'm on my way to become the best of the best booooya!!! twisted mrgreen 4laugh well that what I had to say for today and I hope you enjoyed it sweatdrop