I'm quite busy lately, I have school, an online class, a sweet girl and my wonderful online games. On top of that I'm still working through The Count of Monte Cristo on my PDA, I have 3 Initial D mangas on loan from Dan, and I have two DVD's to finish before the first when those are due back to the library. I'm having trouble working on my schoolwork, and getting my online class done simultaniously. It's also difficult for me to balance my life alone, and harder still to add in Athena. I'm trying to work myself into a balance of alone time and time spent talking to her that will make her happy. AFter all that's the paramount goal. I really like her, and I want things to work out, dispite any misgivings I may have about the rough spot she and I are in. I'm honestly surprised I haven't gibbed like a character on Unreal 2k4.
On Gaia I've been trying again to get into more threads and do something, only to find myself driven back with a gag-reflex. I'm sick of all the horrid grammer/spelling/total idiocy. I can hardly stand entering the ED, which should have been a safe haven. That's turned into the GD, and the GD into a Chatterbox. The Games forum is over-run with Halo this, Halo 2 that. The one place I can stand is C&T, which isn't so bad if I overlook the newbs whining about their connection being slow. I don't doubt that many must think Al Gore really did invent the internet. It makes me feel sort of good to spread some logic and knowledge on a large hobby of mine. That's about what I wanted to get out.
- Jason
Mihito · Sun Jan 30, 2005 @ 09:47pm · 2 Comments |