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A random RP with Mishimaru! I'm going to dub it ~the flitatious curse~ xd Mishi-kun rocks. I'll add more later. WARNING: garnteed to be preverted!

CHARACTERS-- yes we were lazy and used our avis xd

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Ken was walking down the ally as he looked back noticing a girl. Well, well, well she looks nice.....the whole year of school I havent noticed her? Ken thought to himself as he turned down another ally.

Ai decided to take a shot-cut home, worring about her test, she wanted to bast music to forget about it. She saw a boy a tad bit in front of her. what a cute boy. I wonder if he jsut went through the same hellish test I did... "Hello! what school do you go to?" she asked him

ken turned back smiling with a sucker in his mouth. Ken took it out then smiled. "Same as you, Im the one in the back of the class." Ken siad then put the sucker back into his mouth.

"ahhh," she smiled. Yay! He goes to my school! I can wine about the test, I wonder if he thought it was hard. "So how did you think that hellish test in math was today?"

"A waste of time......Oh yea My names Ken Higoshi." Ken siad smiling putting his hand out.

She suddenly remember she forgot to introduce herself. "nnn, I'm Ai Kokubunji, very nive to meet you ken-kun! Looks like we take the same short-cut home." I wonder if he lives near me?

Ken smiled then kissed the top of her hand and looked up at her smiling. Ken's eyes widened as he thouhy to himself. Oh no....its gona happen...... Ken back away for a second or 2 then started to change into a Tiger.

Ai blushed at first, but then saw him jump back. "Hey, Ken, whats the matter?" She saw him turn into a Tiger. At she was shocked, then she said, "Ken... your family is cursed?"

Ken tried to fight back and retain his human form. "Who wants to know?" ken said wincing as he clenched his fist. "Im ok...." Ken spit out the sucker in his mouth then looked at her.

Ai stepped back, Ai started to remeber a few dreams she had of helping a tiger heal, by leading him to the Ju sinq Jun springs. Ai then held her position. "I... think I might know how to break your curse." she looked into his eyes. "you really do have the eyes of a tiger you know."

"Whats your point?" Ken siad as he took a step toward her. "Also, why do you care?"

"well, I had a few dreams, where I led a tiger to the Legened Ju sinq jun springs, to be healed... So mabye I may be able to help you." hehe ,Ai started to think, this was suppost to be a "sort"-cut home wasn't it? ou well, I've got my mind off that stupid test anyway.

Ken looked at her. "A dreams different from reality......and do you know how far that spring is from her?!?!!?" ken siad a bit angered then froze as he turned to a tiger.

wow, just a minute ago, he was such a prince charming. "emm... I see your point, but it is woth a shot isn't it?" Ai looked at her feet, she was starting to lose confidence. "... mabye you right, it was stupid." She turned around, she felt like giving-up.

Ken looked down then walked over to her and rubbed his head on her leg looking up at her.

Ai sat down and started petting his head. She looked down to meet his gaze. She smiled softly, "so does this mean, you wanna try?"

Ken smiled as he tunred back to human form. "I guess so." Ken siad smiling.

Ai sooo resisted to urge to Glomp him. "Alright, so when do you wanna blow-off school to go look for some magic springs?" She said in the most serious tone she could imagine, tying to sound like the principal.

"Tomarow, My parents are gone for a while wana stay over at my place so we can head out whenever we entend to?" ken said winking at her humorusly.

"alrighty!" She said, assuming the cutest monky postion she could manage. "I'd better get goin home to grab my stuff, I'll see you tommorow." she was walking of, but then realized something, nnn I forgot to ask him where he lives! /// I always forget important stuff like this! She walked backwards and asked him, "Ano... Ken-kun where do you live?"

"How about I come with you......?" Ken said smiling as he tugged her along toward the area she was walking.

"nnnn ok." I wanna hug him, just to feel his fur again, it was so soft! icon_heart.gif Ai felt a bit gulity at this thought. She waled to her house. "mabye I can through my pack here, and go ahead and go. I feel like going ahead and going to the Ju Sinq jun springs, I wonder how we'll get there." Funny I've never really thoguht about that... ahhh we'll get there somehow.

Ken smiled and then grabed her hand stoping her. "Hey, you wana bring some extra clothes or something?" Ken siad then let go of her hand.

"Ok then, My house is a ways from here so I had my limo driver come." Ken said smiling as a large black limo drove up. "After you." Ken said opening the door bowing.

"limo?..." she stared at it. Funny, this is suprising me more then the curse thing! she laughed and got in.

Ken smiled then flicked the driver in the ear. "hey, cold ya get back to the house fast?" Ken said.
A few minutes later after driving 90mph down the street they made it to a large mansion like house. "here it is." Ken said smiling.

After looking shocked, and hair in a blowed back fashion {Poor girl, she had the window open!} she shook out her hair to make it fall down again. So this is your house... kun-kun? It's really... big." She staired at the house. She felt her knees were about to give-out, she's never even heard about homes this big.

Ken noticed her froze then smiled. "up we go." Ken said then picked Ai up and cradled her like a aby up to the door then unlocked it. "Here we are." Ken siad then layed her on a sofa.

Ai blushed, she knew she was heavy, that pizza she ate today at lunch wasn't helping her feel any better right now. Yet Ken-kun lisfted her up like she was a feather. Strong and hansome. she thoguht to herself. "um," she sat up, "..." the inside of the house, was even more impressive, if that was even possiable. "this is where you live ken-kun?" she racked her mind for something to say. "If you live in such a rich place, why do you go to a public school?"

"Cause I dont realy have parents........" Ken siad rubbing the back of his neck then sat down beside her. "I inherited this house from my parents who were killed by my brother......ryo...." ken said then accidently placed his hand on her.

She fowned, "ou, I'm sorry Ken-kun" She would have huged him then, but decided against it.

Ken got up and then walked up the stair. "follow me I'll show you were you will be staying." Ken said then stoped at a room. "when your hear you will be treated like a godess." Ken opened the door as the large white king size bed with severeal closets and dressers.

Again, she found herself feeling like a deer in the headlights. "T-this is where I'll be staying?"

"Yes." Ken said smiling then opened a door beside hers that was grey with alot of posters a safe a king size bed.

"Is that your room? It suits you Ken-kun."

"yea....." Ken said then pushed her into her room as he followed. "oh yea thanks for the Handsome and Strong coment." Ken said winking then walked out of the room to his.

Ai blushed perfusely. "Wait, I never said that aloud." She looked after him curiously. feeling her blush on her cheeks made her feel embarssed even more. she sighed, "I might as well try to get some sleep." She bounced on the bed; it was comfy &3! She then lied down, de-dressed, and climed under the covers. She doon fell asleep, she dreamed about the tiger again, only now... he had a name.

ken smiled then walked down satir and got a drink of water. "Wow, shes somethin." He said then started to make some milshakes for her.

Ai woke up soon later, to find that it was dark out. "mmm I'm hungry." She looked around in the darkness and turned on a lamp. The clock said it was 9:42 AM "I wonder what he keeps in his kitchen... mabye I should ask him." Ai lept out of bed, dressed herself, and heded downstairs.

Ken smiled as he waved to Ai in a large kitchen. "What do you want?"

Ai blushed, he looked so hansome in the morning light, espically. "um... pancakes!" She replied happily. I havn't had those in forever! hehe, This is shipping up to be yummy. Ai thought to herself. She then began to think about last night when he guessed... or rather read her mind. I wonder how he did that... She put her finger to her mouth as he began cooking pancakes. He can cook! How cool! I know I can't cook to save my life. Without fastfood, I really think I would starve sometimes! She laughed at herself, and watched Ken in the morning light.

Ken smiled then turned to her. "So how did ya sleep?" Ken said smiling as he fliped a pancake.

OOC: he is acting like Sanji....can cook and he looks like sanji yet with different hair.

"I slept... well." Werid, I usually can't sleep very well at all, mabye it's because My father wasn't here, drunk and raging on about how mom left him all night. Never thought that sleeping could be peaceful. She started to think about her father, but that just agitated her, so she stopped and stared at {SANJI! j/k} Ken instead.

{icon_xd.gif Sanji, your right! Excatly so!}
OOC: my friend said my avi is even more of a pretty boy then sanji....O_o?

Ken smiled then fliped the pancakes up on a plate then placed it on a table then smiled. "So, when should we leave....and 2 things....I can read your mind at sometimes...and you were dreaming about me in a unusula way." Ken said then made a kissy face then laughed a bit.

"Hey!" Ai blushed and started munching down on pancakes after dousing her pankackes in a rich layer of syurp. "So you... can read my mind." She pouted becouse she couldn't excatly remember what she had dreamed of that night. I hope my mind was good last night. She looked at the pancakes. "Wow! Your a really good cook!" so yummy! &3

{Yeah, so much more of a pretty boy, Sanji-kun had freakish eyebrowls Oo but everything else made up for that! icon_3nodding.gif }
OOC: ehh.....but for some reason...he never gets a girl only hits on em?!?!!?

Ken looked at her. "Oh dont worry you didnt think of anything I wouldent think about you." Ken said winking at her then washed his hands and started to make a salad. "And thanks Ive been cooking since I knew how to stir cake mix."

Ai blushed, beet red. "Thats specific! I could have been dreaming about anything! I mean anything. Like a certain Squid...." She remembered a funny picture with a squid attacking one of her favorite anime characters. She laughed at the inside joke. To change the subject she started talking about his cooking. "wow. You must be an awesome chef!" She began to wonder if he's ever won any cooking contests. "have you ever won any contests?"

"I dont realy do stuff like that...I dont have any friends.....only fangirls.....they think im mysterious......You know that girl that always pics on you....she has a crush on me....wana make her mad?"

ken smiled. "I could make the dream of yours come true....and right infront of her?" Ken said as he sat down infront of her gazing into her eyes.

Ai looked into them, then away, blushing again. "Well... I thought we were goanna skip school today!" Ai blurted out, she was never all to good with boys.

"we can head in during class change." ken said then got up and walked over to her. "you know you wana."

Ahhhnnnn A chance to get on her nerves!!! I can't very well miss it... "alright, but it will break my code of 'Better never then late'. So I want to pet you in your tiger form, as payment!" She smirked as she said the last bit. She thogut to her self, Your fur is just the softest!

" Deal!" said then kissed her gently on the lips. "Thats a preview."

Ai blushed My first kiss.. She hugged him, turning him into his tiger form. "woops... Well, now I can pet you! &3" She started petting him softly. "You have the softest fur Ken-kun!!!"

"Thanks." Ken said smiling then looked at her. "your first Kiss?" Ken turned back to a human and then kissed her again. "For your first time your a pretty good kisser

Ai blushed again. "You enjoy making me blush, don't ya?" She laughed a little.

{Sooo like Sanji, If he could read minds, and was rich, I'd bet he'd be like that! icon_xd.gif}

OOC: Hehe i should give him a newyorker accent!

"Well, you seem to enjoy kissing me?" ken said then lifted her up to were her legs were around his waist. then smirked. "Shall we go have some fun?"

She taped her finger on his forhead. "um... We need to get to school soon right!?" She was still blushing, she was begining to wonder if he would ever stop making her stop blushing!

{icon_xd.gif Like in the show! Then he'd REALLY be sanji's... like twin or somethin! icon_3nodding.gif}

OOC:Im gona try righ here icon_xp.gif Sanji's long lost bro!

"Ok `cmon cuti!" ken said then walked out the door with the limo door open.

"kay" She happily trotted to the limo, with a silly smile on her face, the limo was as schocking... but still... "I wonder if I'll ever get used to that." She slid into the limo and buckled herself up, and shut her window. She's learned.

{Yay! Sanji's long-lost-twin-brother. XD .gif Alike in nearly everyway!}

OOC: hehe biggrin

"So, how mad ya think shes gona be?" ken siad then unbottoned the top botton of his shirt.

"pretty mad. Hehe." Ai thought about how Mad Kagura's going to get. "Tha'd show her for doning all that crap to me." Ai thoguht about it deeper, and also thoguht. And It wouldn't be bad at all kissing him agian... She than remebered, that Ken read minds. I really need to stop doing that.

Ken smirked as he herd a bell then noticed her in the hallway then shouted her name until she walked out to him. "ya know Ive known about the crush you had on me for 2 years...and there something i want you to know." ken siad as her eyes satrted to glimmer as she hoped he would ask her out.

Kagura Stared at Ken, "How did you know?! I guess you must like me too!" She jumpped up and down in glee.

Ai watched and tried not to smile

Ken smirked then pulled Ai up beside him then kissed her on the lips. "Sorry...im sort of going out with Ai...she wanted to tell ya something...."

Ai blushed again, will it never stop?
Ai nodded her head, and said, "Kagura, I'm going-out with Ken-kun now, so you can stop bugging him!" She than kissed him again. Ken-kun, We should be going now, ok? Ai thoguht to Ken.

Ken smiled then turned as he kissed her.
"But how could you date a dirt poor idiot?!?!?!?!" She shouted.
"Like this." Ken siad then held her hand and walked over to the limo then got in with her and broke out in laugher.

Ai laughed once they were in the limo too. "ahhh, what a nice morning! &3" Ai said happily. "so I guess from here it's to Ju Sinq Jun Springs!" Ai waited a moment then spoke again. "Were were they again?"

"Up north about 180 miles....the limo can only get us about 150 miles...."

"Ahh..." Ai was suprised. She had no idea where the springs were. In fact, almost no one did. Legend had it that the path to the springs was so confusing, and dangerous, that anyone who ventured there, never returned. So Everyone and thing stayed away from the Miracal springs, and eventually, forgetting about them.
"I'm glad you knew!" Ai sighed, this saved them a LOT of trouble.

Ken smiled then kissed her once more on the cheek. "I've been seing alot of daydreams in you head...when I kissed you...you thought of me and you........" Ken paused and rubed the back of his neck. "Ok....forget that how about...." He smiled then turned into a tiger.

"eh?" Ai had a puzzling look. "Why did you transform? we didn't hug..." She started petting him... She looked down at him. "What, Your fur is so soft, it's a crime not to pet you!" She laughed, and continued petting him. "Mabye when your too close to the springs, without actually being in them, you are stuck a tiger. That would explain why someone would have to help you to get ot them..." Ai talked as she pet Ken's soft fur.

"No, I can choose when I want to change into one...but when I hug...or something I cant controll it...." Ken said then crawled onto her lap and licked her bellybutton.

"ou, so Then thats not right... So then why did you transform?" Ai was a tad embarssed. She looked at ken then, he licked her bellybutton! "AHHH!" Ai laughed, "Stoppit! I'm ticklish!" She laughed so hard, and long, that she started coughing.

"You seem to like to pet me.....?" Ken said then turned back to a human and patted her back then licked her bellybutton once more with the tip of his tongue and smiled.

Why'd he lick my bellybutton? Ai blushed, and laughed again. She then looked out the window, "Were going really fast. Shouldn't we abaid the speeding laws?" Ai was worried about that.

"yea were on the highway......we'll be on here until a large pathway near that one large lake...." ken said then kissed her. "Because I can." Ken placed his hands on her ribs and started to tickle her.

Ai laughed untill she thogught she'd die! Ai ended up hugging Ken, stopping the tickling maddness! "w-why'd you go and do that?" Ai was catching her breath. "that was mean!" She sulked... but then began petting ken again, and was happy in a minute. {She can't stay mad at him with such soft fur! XD}

OOC: hehe I know

Ken smiled as he turned back to a human and was in a odd stance ontop of her. Ken layed her back on the seet then started to kiss from her neck up to her lips then smiled. "About 20 minutes until were there......."

Ai blused, that neck kiss felt nice "Twenty minutes, huh? So what are we goanna do for 20 minutes?" I thought about other trips she'd been on. Ai had always been perfecltly content with blasting her favorite music, and starring out the window. With Ken-kun here, I think I'd rather stare at him though...

"Seems like were havig fun here......" Ken siad then kissed her neck again and used his tongue to tickle her a bit.

Ai laughed a bit, "yeah, I guess we are enjoying ourselves."

tiger and relaxed. "you can stare at me later."

"I can stare at you now. <3 your so cute as a Tiger!" Because He was in his tiger form, Ai didn't notice where his head rested.

Ai blushed, and said, "No, you life wouldn't be complete, silly." Ai thoguht more about it, then said, "hum, I probably shouln't take that so seriously." She laughed a bit.

Ken turned back to a human then pined her down and gazed into her eyes. "Your the most beautiful girl ive seen in my life.....I realy hope we could have a future?" Ken said then kissed her and placed his hands on her ribs.

Ai blushed prefusly. "um... ok?" She had a feeling they would hit something soon. Or very soon end up with their clothes off. Oo;

Ken fell back laughing. "your acualy saying you want to.......?" Ken got back ontop of her. "I wish we could...but im not like that...wana cuddle for the last 15 minutes?"

Ai sighed, "no but..." she was still blushing beet red. "i'd like to cuddle!" He'll transform, but I don't mind that one bit! :3

Ken smiled as he layed infont of her in his tiger form then licked the area right above her bra and smiled as he closed his eyes and relaxed.

She ignored that little lick, and huggled him around his neck.
~They cuddled for 14 minutes~

the time they were done, the driver opened up the door then opened the trunk. "were gona need some gear for out in the wild....." Ken siad, then got up and grabed a pair of clothing, and got in the limo, and startd to change, yet he forget Ai was still in there.

Ai stared at him for a minute, but then exited out the limo, stage left. She picked up she small bag, that held 2 pair of clothes, a few under garments, some socks, and a tin can full of water. She forgot to bring any food with her.
Ai waited outside the car for Ken. "hurry-up Ken-kun!"

ken walked out then smiled. " I got it....some salad,bread,meet and spices." ken siad then kissed her and grabbed his back and put it on his back. "Go change, or unless you need help.....?

"I don't need to change yet, my clothes are perfect for being outside." Ai was an outdoor person. Anything to get anyway for her house, and the outside was a very nice alternative.
"Lets get started!"

"Before we get going...I want to thank you...." ken said, then picked her up to were her legs were wraped around his waist, as he kissed her, and sliped his tongue in her mouth, by tickling her. "I want you to stay with me the rest of my life..." Ken said then started to kiss from above fer bra up her neck to her lips.

{Wow, just sounds just like something Sanji would do... XP}

Ai blushed again, {he won't stop, will he? nope. didn't think so. XD Wow, this makes me also realize that the "send" button says "SUBMIT!" XDDDDD} "umm, y-your welcome..." Ai felt like a deer in the headlights, again. Ai kissed him back. She then picked up her bag, {She dropped it when he started with the kissing attack} and threw it over her sholder. "well... I guess now, we start." Ai was still blushing, her heart was racing a bit... a lot.

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