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The messed up thoughts of a caos vampire
Thoughts, drawings and momental moodswings

Michael... An average boy from an average city in an average eastern European country... The type you never notice until something happens... A bit of Goth and a little antisocial he barely kept any contact with his classmates, even after four changes of schools. The only place the boy liked to speak in was the web space. There he met a group of people with interests in Star Wars like himself. After his last year in school and after failing this year's college exams Michael spent his days with his best friend... His computer. The boys luck made things, so that most of the people he spoke to outside the SW club where Americans so Michael spent countless sleepless nights with em. Not that he cared... After six hours of sleep he always woke up, so he went to bed last and was up first. That made some people think the boy had stopped sleeping, but they where wrong.
After all that was said about Michael, probably a lot of you would say: "What a Geek! He needs to get a life! But probably is too ugly to do so." And... You would be wrong. As a matter of fact, he's quite attractive, twenty years old guy, with nice slightly rounded face, a bit covered by a dark-blond strait hair that got to the middle of his back and nice eyes, that shift their colour from grey through blue to light green. Michael's body structure has nice attractive curves, with light mussels, that just made him more attractive. The only thing showing that he spent most of his time at home is the slightly pale skin.
This day started pretty much like any other. He woke up and turned on the computer. While it has loading, the boy fed his pets and went through the bathroom routine. When he sat on the armchair, near which stood a small, but high chair where the monitor was placed, Michael logged on the mIRC and started the forum where he played in a few RP's. His SW palls, which he spoke to in the chat agent, where still gone so he started catching up with the games. By the time he was finishing a post in the last RP left was checking, someone got in private on mIRC and the program beeped. Michael switched the view to check it. It was one of the SW friends, with whom he hanged out the most...

<Jedi_Vader> hi
<MicTheBounty> hey
<Jedi_Vader> how are you today
<MicTheBounty> eh... normal, u?
<Jedi_Vader> same
<Jedi_Vader> you know... some of us decided to go hiking for the weekend. Wanna come?
<MicTheBounty> yeah, sure. Who will go?
<Jedi_Vader> w8 to check the log.
<MicTheBounty> k

While his friend checked who would be going, Michael finished his post for the RP.

<Jedi_Vader> OK here goes: Lorienna, Argentum, Vruc, Blake, AAK, Ababa, and me.
<MicTheBounty> Cool. Where will we meet?
<Jedi_Vader> 10 at the usual place.
<MicTheBounty> isn't that a bit late, we'll gather for hours, as always, and till we buy a supplies...
<Jedi_Vader> we'll go up with the bus.
<MicTheBounty> oh... okay then.
<Jedi_Vader> Well, GtG, catch you later.
<MicTheBounty> later!
<Jedi_Vader> there is no such user.

Michael left the keyboard to the side and sighed. His friend logged off quick, then he wanted. Since it was Friday, Michael went to pick up what he will take up on the mountain for those two days. While packing, he sighed, wondering why was he going. Tho he liked those people, but every time they were too busy in their talks to notice him. But then again... What could take their attention on a mountain, and he liked hiking... After he was done stuffing his scull-encrusted kit bag, Michael went back to the computer and spent the rest of the day chatting and PR-ing.
The next morning he woke up earlier than usual, and went through his morning routine, just skipping the turning on of the computer. After the quick slip on of the some lighter clothing, cos Michael pretty much hates the warm summer days, the young man grabbed his bag and dashed out. About an hour later, he was at the meeting point and turned off his MP3. No one else was there, so he had to wait for a bit, till they started to gather. A few more people had come, but just the group that was spoken of. When everyone finally gathered, they went to the closest hypermarket to buy supplies. When they got to the market, Michael and Jedi Vader left out to guard the bags. The two spoke of a few small things for the hour they waited for the rest. When the gang finally got out with numerous bags, filled mostly with... bottles of beer and chips... Michael looked a bit odd at the rest. He knew em and that was normal, but on a hiking? That was a bit too much... Yes, there was a chunk of meat, some peppers and onions, but not enough for a decent meal for grill for everyone. Two bottles of juice and two with cola was the non-alcoholic they had.

- Are we still going hiking? - Michael asked while checked the bags.
- Sure, we'll have those while being in the cabin. - Argentum replied and smiled.
- On... Okay, by the way, what is that briefcase you got along?
- My laptop. - That made the picture clear for Michael.

When all of of the bags were separated between the group, which was going up, two of em decided to walk up. Michael wasn't one of em. While walking for the bus, he managed to chat a bit with Loriena and Vader. But as soon as the group got in the bus, the mane talk became the movies that would be watched, so Michael turned on his MP3 and spent the time of the travel in listening to music. When they arrived on the mountain, the young man stopped his music and they all headed for the cabin. On the way there, everyone split in two's and three's that spoke of their own things, leaving Michael behind. The walk wasn't long, but cos they used the road, instead of path, the sun and heat made it quite tiring. When they arrived in the lobby of the cabin, the group saw a tennis table and lots of big spacey wooden benches. All of em plopped down for a bit of rest, before going to the registry. In the pick of rooms, Michael had no choice once again... AAK and Argentum picked an apartment for them, so everyone could use the living room for the gathering. The other boys wanted to be in one room, which left just Michael, Vader and Loriena, so for not leaving the boy to sleep alone, the couple decided to take him in a room with em, not really caring that he'd rather be alone. After all was paid for, all went up to rest a bit, while waiting for the two that walked on foot. The laptop was installed, in the moment all of the alcohol and a few salads went to the fridge, and unanimous "everyone" decided to watch Garfield. By the end of the movie the juices finished up along with the chips. Shortly, after the two walkers came as well, and the boys decided to watch football game, while Loriena went to help the cook lady to make the grill, cos making fires near the cabin was forbidden. Michael never liked football, so he went for a breath of fresh air, away from the noise and the already half-drunk gang. Not that he didn't drink any of the beer from those three two-liter bottles, that where spent during Garfield, but he never had a taste for beer. If anyone had bought wine, and not whiskey, and and expensive one at that, he'd most certainly enjoy it's taste.
Now he walked around the cabin grounds and wandered why the place was so empty. By now he had seen only the three members of the stuff, and his group. Deep in thought, he almost missed the shadow, which moved under the near trees. Turning his head to the movement, Michael saw a young man, that sat on a bench, made of a cut down tree, which was cut in half, and the halves were cut through the middle, so now there where two benches and a table. The guy waved a bit to Michael and he waved back.

- Hallo there - the guys voice was smooth and somehow a bit alluring.
- Hey - Michael smiled a bit, having solved two problems at once. First about the emptiness of the place, and second of his boredom.

He walked slowly to the bench under the thick shadow of the trees and where the man stood. He looks like a twenty-four years old guy with muscular body. Probably working out or hiking often. The man's hair was black and short, but a longer strand hanged over his left eye. The right one was black as well, and gave the feeling that if you watch it long enough you can sink in it. The man smiled when he saw Michael was going to him.

- A wonderful day to be on a mountain, no? - The guy asked still smiling.
- Yeah, must be hell in in the city. - Michael replied and sat across the other. - I started to think we're the only ones here. - He added and rubbed the back of his head. The other laughed.
- You're quite right... I came early in the morning and the place was empty. Since than, I walk around, but your group is the only arrivals.
- Oh... I kind a guessed that. By the way, my name is Michael. - He extended his hand and the man took it.
- Nice to meet you, Michael. I'm Damien.

Both smiled and shook hands once. The two started talking about what not. Starting from the mountains, friends, the blocks of the city, they both lived in, and what not more. Too lost in the talk, Michael didn't notice when Damien had moved by his side. Turning his head to the other to hear his reply on the latest pointless topic, the boy got caught in the trap of those deep black eyes, cos the other had moved strand away, and before the Michael knew it, Damien kissed his lips long and passionate. That left the younger male completely stunned. His mind was so messed up that he didn't even thought of pulling back or hitting the other. Michael just watched wide eyed at Damien.

- Mic! Get your a** here! The food is done!

The voice of one of his friends brought the boy from frozen state and he pulled back fast, dashing away from the other to the cabin, and the room where the rest where. His mind was still fuzzy during the small dinner, so he didn't notice that as always he was quite ignored. When the food was gone, with not much help of Michael, no one had noticed how quiet the boy was. So after dinner most of the boys went to play tennis, Vader and Loriena disappeared somewhere, and Michael was left with one of the boys, that got dead drunk already. By that time, Michael was feeling better, and after playing a few songs from his MP3 on the laptop, while enjoying the storm that had started during the dinner. The young man felt quite drawn to the lightnings and the soft sound of the rain, but he got bored and headed down the stairs, where the rest were. He thought everything will be back to normal when... In the middle of the stairs he got eye to eye with the one, he hoped never to see again...Damien.

- Hello again. - he smiled, blocking the other's way down.

Michael did not reply. He just turned and headed back up, but the other grabbed his hand with quite a bit strength preventing him from doing that.

- It's impolite to leave like that, you know...
- Randomly kissing people, too. Now let go of my hand. - Michael hissed.
- What if I don't?

Again Michael did not reply. This time he turned fast and tried to punch Damien, but his hand got caught as well and the other one pulled the boy closer.

- So impulsive... Are you upset by something? - Damien's voice was in the same time mocking and seductive.
- Let go of me, you damn faq.
- Such harsh words... But are you not a "faq" as well?
- No!
- Ah, no? Then why you look at that... Jedi Vader, was it? Like he's some sort of a pray?
- I don't do anything like that!
- Don't you now...

Damien moved to the same stair Michael was on and kissed him once again. This time the boy tried to pull away, and struggle against the other, glaring at him, but the grip just got stronger. At the end, after almost falling on the stairs with Damien on top, Michael gave up the pointless struggle. There was another reason as well. No matter how much he hated admitting it... He loved the kiss. The feeling of those slightly cold lips on his was messmerizing. Slowly he gave in and started returning the kiss. His struggling mind has gone to the back. Before he knew it, the two were kissing and wrapping hands around one another. A loud laugh from down the stairs brought Michael back to reality and he stepped away. He shook his head and looked at Damien.
- Look, this won't work. I'm not in to males. Plus, we won't see each other ever again, so let's call it quits.
- If you're not up for it, then why your pants look like they are a bit small, hm? And you can't be sure that we won't see ever again. - He moved closer again.
- Well than, may be some other time... - Michael started walking off again.
- So I see, you prefer to be ignored by your friends, then spend one nice night with someone, that would pay attention to you... - Those words felt worse, than a slap for Michael, and he stopped, but then turned and locked eyes on Damien.
- That would be true... If your idea of paying attention wasn't to get me laid... - Now was the Damien's turn to feel the word slap.
- You speak well... - he sighed - What if I promise not to lay a finger on you unless you change your mind? - Michael thought about it for a while.
- Okay then... I have nothing to loose anyways... Well... Not really...but you catch my point. - The boy shrug. - So where to?
- I guess mt room will be more appropriate... I'd offer you a walk, but... the cabin is locked for the night and with this storm out...
- Yea... Well, lead the way then.

Damien smiled and headed for his room with Michael following some distance behind him. At first there was some awkward silence between them, but the older one managed to start a casual conversation and soon they where talking like they did during the day. The two spent a lot of the night in talking. Michael's friends where too drunk to think of where he was, everyone happy, that ha wasn't in their room.
Damien, on the other hand, kept persuading his goal with small touches and light quick kisses, to which Michael eventually got used to. Than the touches and kisses became more long and frequent. At the end, the two ended up in a make out session, which made Damien smirk, his eyes glowed a bit while kissing and sucking on Michael's neck. A moment later a pair of fangs sank in the soft neck of the boy and he gasped surprised and painful. In the moment his blood started leaving his body, Michael found that he can't move and his throat refused to let any kind of sound, which made him only panic more, but was unable to do anything against it. Soon he started feeling weaker with every gulp Damien took from him. Slowly everything faded... And there was darkness.

The end

or is it...

User Comments: [7]
Community Member

Sun Nov 26, 2006 @ 06:37pm

haha that was just so.. you! When I read the start it seemed like you were writing an autobiography but instead of talking about you as one person you split your personalities and added something about you in each of the characters. whee my opinion only afgource.

Julien Takayama
Community Member

Sun Nov 26, 2006 @ 07:51pm

heart I like it very much heart

especially the end wink

evil but I still keep saying that it's evil that you're ever turning the story around at the last 4/5 lines twisted

but it's fascinating 4laugh

I wonder what you'll write about next whee

((throws around with emoticons xd ))

Count Ai
Community Member

Mon Nov 27, 2006 @ 01:16pm

Ah, monsieur It's a beautiful piece indeed. I rather love the way you write. I am certainly honored to be able to role play with you as well. heart whee

Naeril Kohaku
Community Member

Mon Nov 27, 2006 @ 01:30pm

I pretty much like it as well, and... This is not the end... *smirks* There are at least three more pieces. But I have to write em first sweatdrop I am sure it needs a beta to get my mistakes out cos I never learned Eng grammar well sweatdrop And Yes Mim, you're completely right! *bows head to Ai* I am honored to role-play with you as well my friend.

Community Member

Thu Nov 30, 2006 @ 11:04pm

How come every time I read one of your stories I always get wrapped up in it and hate it when the story ends!!! Maybe it's 'cause you're just so good at written them!

Community Member

Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 08:02pm

I couldn't stop reading it until I finsihed, and I wanted it to go on.

User Comments: [7]
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