Wow lol alright, i'm reading this book on writing. Ya i know druel in class boring is your first reaction to that. But acutlly it's a really good book, i started writing a really good story about this dude (and four other people) that like inter another world that looks nice, but when he gets in it its acutlly a like scary world or watever. I love to write , and i always have. And i know this all sounds like a bunch of nonsence, and your probobly not getting where this is going, but it acutlly goes somewhere. In the book it says keep all your writing, cause life moves on, and you'll forget what its like to be a kid, and if you save your writing from when your a kid then it will help you grasp a little bit of your childhood. So i'm encouraging all of you to write stories and keep it in a journel or something, what you write on the internett, make sureyou never loose it. 'cause i know i'm so afraid of loosing my child hood. I don't wanna grow up and be all blah like all those adults you know. I wanna understand kids when i grow up, and i'm sure you do too.
well i'm gonna wrap this thing up, even though it has no good ending at all ! oh wait before i go i wanna talk about final fantasy. I wanna get that game so bad !!!! It looks so kool, my cousin has 4 of them and she's gonna let me borrow them. Have you guys played it ever ??? I love the peoples white hair, i think its soooo pretty. If any of you have ever played it, tell me how it is, and what happens in it, cause i may never get to play it alll, eather that or too a.d.d. to. love to all !!!!!!!
View User's Journal
the love of life but death of deception
I honestly have no clue why i picked the title for my journel i did, but i guess it's just 'cause i'll probobly write alot about life and love and other stuff like that. I like to write poems and storys(as told in the about me thing), so you'll probo