If you want to reach far, you have to let go in order to move forward. When you let go, you free yourself from carrying a heavy load that slows you down in your journey. Letting go allows you to think of what is at hand while leaving behind the worries of yesterday and the anxieties of tomorrow.
Never be afraid to let go of what you have. Sometimes losing what you possess enables you to discover something better for yourself. Let go of your fears in order to walk in the light. Don’t hold on to your pains and hurts in order to live in peace and joy.
Always remember that the heavier the load you carry, the slower is your journey and the more likely you’ll get weary. Letting go allows you to welcome with openness the many possibilities that will surely come your way. Let go and let live. That’s the way we should live.
Never be afraid to let go of what you have. Sometimes losing what you possess enables you to discover something better for yourself. Let go of your fears in order to walk in the light. Don’t hold on to your pains and hurts in order to live in peace and joy.
Always remember that the heavier the load you carry, the slower is your journey and the more likely you’ll get weary. Letting go allows you to welcome with openness the many possibilities that will surely come your way. Let go and let live. That’s the way we should live.
Community Member
langon dn korek.. osto dn.. ngayno akn mangaday da mapikir..??! este.. miyapikir akn bs da akn bo sowaa... Let's Go and Live in PEacE and Joy.. rofl
hehe.. wala Lang... blaugh
Thank you...