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Tehehe, its been fun I think, a rather interesting assortment of events concerning the 2nd Ann. Um lots of interesting developments and story lines for Gaian Entertainment. Also new villains! I wonder when they're gonna strike! I dont like those two sisters, they look like The Bride of Chucky. crying and and... they said mean things to me! *Sniffles*
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I didnt notice how many strange people there were on Gaia... eek Hmm, kinda freaky, but funny at the same time. Theres also lots of people who lovvvee to gossip, but its nice to see them excited about everything. Hm, but I'm not one to talk, especially since the first free item I got, came with this interesting message.
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Freakeh, I'll tell you that much... Hmmm arent they gruesome? The Gruesome Two-some, I suppose. xp Meh. Some think they are Vampires, but I dunno yet, with those Lab guys skulking around, it makes me second guess that. &.& Lol, look at me gossiping. Tehe. Anywho, I hope this party goes well, the Gaia team is awesome, Thanks, for the Ball.
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<center>Free Items
7 Balloons, 4 Hats, 6 Full Brooches, 1 Left Halfs
The Notorious E B I L · Sat Feb 19, 2005 @ 12:01pm · 0 Comments |