isn't it great?
its great to have friends right? friends that lie to you? friends that think they know best? friends you think you can trust? GUESS WHAT? there arent actually who you think they are. i have a friend who will remain nameless unless you ask me about it and you probably dont know her anyway, anyways she decided that she was gonna hang out with my ex boyfriend. and guess what? she thought that they would mess around a little bit, yea im glad i didnt come over to get my CD cuz guess what i would've walked in on? my ex eating her out and god knows what else. is that something you would want to walk in on? and guess what makes it better? everyone else knew except my friends ex boyfriend, and me. i think i should've known before everybody else but i guess that doesnt matter at all, so you know what? i hope they have sex and i hope she gets pregnent and then i hope they both ******** die! they both ******** deserve it, she stabbed me in the ******** back, and they both know how they are oviously