MUMs b.DAii
yesterday accaullii iit was horriible,, dad and mum wuldn''t stop fiightiing,, they were even yelliing at eachother thiis morniing wen my mom got up on the comp iit was 5: oo ii was awake. iit contunuiis too thiis daii,, and mostliikii the next,, my dad found a card frum thiis guy iin Denmark,, and "letters" frum the same guy talkiing 'bout marriige plans,, and meetiing me and my siister,, ii wiish ii knew what was goiing on,, iif my mom was telliing the truth or not,, because shes deniing everythiing. iit sux hardcore,, ii wiish she culd tell me thiings,, but she doesnt. do ii relly deserve thiis,, now my parentiils miight get a diivorce for shure,, && ii dont wanna move... crying .
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