This is where I write useless information and rant about random things because some things in life need to be ranted about. I have had a couple requests to write all of my rants down and publish them due to my ability to make even the smallest detai
My Wonderful Husband
Odd that I am writing a mushy topic, ya? For good reason today however. I am 15 years old ( no, this is not an open invitation to rapists, however if you wish to find me: Oulou Finland, Look it up you sickos ) and am ready to be married to a young man of the age of 17.
Why so young you ask? I will tell you why. I have never been much for half-made relationships, made for only making out and simple hand holding. I treated every relationship as if it where ' the one ' that would last forever. It works, each one lasted two to three years with really smart, really attractive and really kind boys. I broke up with them for reasons such as a clash of interests and morals and what-not.
This time however... I think I have actually out done myself or anyone else for that matter. This time, I have found my husband, a person that I love enough to accept whatever change they may have. Whatever needs they need I am willing to sacrifice to give. Only bad thing? He lives in bloody Europe, I only see him once a year, and will have to work my a** off to ever see him again...
Soon, I won't be on this site, I will have children and what-not on my own. Perhaps. Tee hee!