What an ugly weekend I had (yes, I do realize it's tuesday and a little late for this but nonetheless I shall write about it).
I had to competitions to perform at on saturday which made the day VERY long. stare I really would like to kill my instructor. She made us warm up and hour and half before our "official" warm up time. So all together we practiced an hour and fifty minutes before we performed... stare That's just stupid, it was hot and and tiring and it was only the morning/first competiton of the day! So that really brought our energy levels down but some how we managed to score 82.3 and we got first place. Not too bad considering how I thought we did worst.
So my parents bought guard pizza and I was about to go in and see them when everyone is turning around and being told we have to load the bus and go to the other competition... we didn't get to stay for awards... sad But we got to the other school and had pizza and just lazed around in the sun. I have a nice farmer's tan but I had 3/4 sleeves on so it's worse then a farmer's tan. That and I have a nice tan V on my chest... Meh. So anyways, we get ready to go warm up 30 minutes before our show and we get to the warm up area and they told us that we don't perform for another hour or so... gonk This was the first bad omen of the competition. So we wait around for hour and 10 minutes which gets us completely out of the mode we need to be in. We get into the gym and get set and we come to find out that our stupid instructor forgot to give them the cd with our song on it. stare Another very bad omen. We start our routine and about a minute in I dropped my flag. I just didn't grab it... I wanted to cry but I recovered and moved on though not with as much energy as before I dropped my flag. Then comes the end of the show and on my last flag work I dropped my flag AGAIN!!! Wtf, such an easy move and I dropped my flag... I wanted to cry and I had to hold back the tears until we got out of the gym... Then I just cried and my boyfriend had a hard time getting me to calm down... But I'm over it and I know that I just have to do twice as good on friday. Anyways, we tied for second with a score of 79.6 which is a big drop in the score but whatever... We'll kick a** at friday's competition.
Friday is exciting though. We get to leave school early and take a bus out of state to the competition! Yay, for having a b/f on drumline. So I get to spend all day friday with him, which just totally rocks. We're not coming back till 3 or so in the morning and i'm trying to convince my parents to let him come home with me so that way we don't waste gas and money getting him from where he lives to my place. wink Hahaha, yay, for spending time with my b/f! Ok, well, this is getting really long so I'll just stop writing for the time being. Mmmm, soup my coup... Haha, I have no idea what that means. xd Yay, for being in a hyper, silly, fantastic mood! whee
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Lalala.... la.
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Eat pie.

Make me feel special.
Aww, I want a ducky!
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The Bunny
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Well..It sounds like your nerves were running high. Myself..I could be better. Its been six weeks that Ive been grounded and Im breaking up with my boyfriend... sad