Beastboy: Jailbreak? I don't see any jailbreak.
Robin: None of us would seen one if Cyborg hadn't messed up!
Cyborg: Me? I didn't messed up nothing! You got in my way.
Robin: You were too far forward, and Cinderblock got away because of it!
Cyborg: You saying this is my fault!?
Robin: Want me to say it again!?
Starfire: Stop! No more mean talking!
Beastboy: Yeah! If you're going to fight, we need time to sell tickets!
Raven:Cinderblock escape, no amount of yelling will fix that! So stop acting like idiots and let's go home!
Robin: Loser
Cyborg: Jerk
Robin and Cyborg: What did you say?
Robin: Do you have a problem?
Cyborg: Yeah, it's 4 feet tall and smells like cheap hair gel!
Robin: you're an oversized klutz and your feet smells like motor oil
-Scene from Divide and Conquer in Teen Titans Season 1
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This journal is all about my favorite quotes from t.v shows, books, and parts of stories that people are making these days!
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Like they always say "The bigger it is the slower it gets, and the smaller it is the faster it gets" but why does some smaller people than me are so slow? I don't get it!!!