IM me and I will get you an address to which you can send anything to right away. It will be my address all year long. This of course is in reply to your request for an address, Phase my darling. I will also give you my phone number, as I have forgotten yours because I am a complete and utter ditz.
I've been living off of the horrors of dining hall foods, but at least I'm still living. I haven't gained or lost any weight, I'm still an utter cow, but I'm hoping that will change bit by bit... either I'll blimp out or actually lose something. In this city of light and shadow, despite my wanderlust I confine myself to my laptop: I confess to be an idiot.
You will love college, my beautiful Phase. Please, come visit me any time you have the chance: perhaps some weekend that you have Friday off, fly up Thursday night and I will skip my Friday class and we can go up to the A-House. The spirits there are soft and weave webs of silk candy inspiration for your imagination to drink. The sea air is a blessing on skin, and the water is cold. Even the gulls' sharp cry is music if you listen right.
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Mutterings of the Mad Shieldmaiden
This is going to be mostly so that I can write things to my beautiful Paisley, whom I miss very much.
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