Okay, I know I already wrote one journal entry today, but I gotta write another. Our band concert is over. I think it went really well, though the Wind Emsemble took FOREVER to finish. But still, it was great. My English teacher was there, too.
So here's Dragon Daze chapter two part three. Have some more James and his craziness.
I climbed up into the truck and sat in the single passenger seat while John sat on the bed in the back.
“Wassup?” Truck driver said conversationally as he hit the gas, “The name’s James,”
“Ryan,” I responded, jerking as we lurched forward. Hurriedly, I tightened my seatbelt.
“You a freshman this year? I don’t recall you being at the middle school,” James cranked the wheel and turned us sharply to the right onto a gravel road.
Again with the middle school thing, “Yes, I’m a freshman, I went to middle school in Seattle,” I grit my teeth as the truck rumbled over a narrow bridge, water rushing only feet below. What was it with crazy drivers around here?
“That’s cool. My little brother Shalou is a freshman this year. You should totally meet him!” James downshifted and the truck lurched again, slowly roaring it’s way up the mountain’s incline.
“Kay,” I’m fairly certain my voice cracked as I held onto the armrests for dear life.
Behind me, John laughed and I scowled. He was probably enjoying this.
“Hold on,” James yelled suddenly, prompting me to tighten my death grip on the chair.
The whole truck teetered slightly as we rounded a sharp curve, and I heard a loud thunk as my duffel bag slid, then we pulled into a small parking lot.
“We’re here!” James announced cheerfully.
I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and clambered out, John not far behind with my stuff.
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Dragon Daze
(used to be Vice-Versa) Ryan thinks he's a normal kid, but then his adoptive parents die and he's shipped off to live with a grandfather he's never met. And then there's his new high school, where no one is quite human. (Check archive for first chap)
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