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Kratos's Journal
Osgiliath Segments: Feb to Apr 07
OKay, sorry for the wait, but here's the segments for Febuary through April
Osgiliath Segment:
Chapter 11: Grave!

Yuri slid down the mound with his sword drawn. A demon saw Yuri and turned it’s attention towards him. Yuri easily sliced through the demon. Yuri stopped for a minute to check Flagsaiga, it had blood dripped over it from the demon he had just slain.
“Just like old times,” Yuri said softly. “Oh well.” By this time a few more demons had spotted Yuri and charged towards him. Yuri swung and hit them away. “They make this too easy,” Yuri sneered. “Well I should find the E.D.F. command post…..and that should be…..over by the fortress…..I hope.” Yuri started to run towards the fortress, along the way he killed any demon that was poor enough to come across him. Soon he reached the E.D.F.
Yuri walked into the post. A few soldiers ran up to him… they saluted, and Yuri did the same. “Sir it‘s nice to see you,” spoke the soldier.
“How‘s the fronts handling?”
“They’re fine… with beam swords and plasma rifles they are doing quite good…..but…”
“We can‘t hold this up forever…..we need something to drive them back!”
“Hmm………*snap* that‘s it!”
“What‘s it sir?”
“Maybe if I take down their General it might spook them, thus they will back off.”
“It‘s crazy but it might work!”
“I‘ve heard that before,” said Yuri .“Well I‘m off, wish me luck.”
“Good luck sir!” saluted the soldier. With that Yuri turned around and ran back out into the battle. Yuri walked along the side of the cliff looking into the massive battle raging on below, searching for the demon General. After minutes of searching the battle Yuri finally spotted a high ranking demon wearing bright gold armour that could easily be spotted. Yuri jumped off the cliff and slid down the side. The demons noticed Yuri when he jumped off the cliff, and drew their spears, axes, swords, etc. Yuri landed and jumped towards the oncoming threat.
“Steel Claws!” with that Yuri wiped out the guards of the General. Yuri raised the Flagsaiga. “You’re next Mr…..”
“Traker…..General Traker”
“Well then Traker, prepare to die!”
“Just try it!” Traker was already holding a sword in his hand and blocked Yuri’s attack with ease. Then right after Yuri regained his footing he lunged at Traker again, and they kept on blocking the other one’s attacks, but because Traker was older he had more stamina while Yuri…..was tiring. Soon some attacks were scraping Yuri’s legs and slowing him down. After a devastating blow to Yuri’s side, Yuri jumped back a bit to get his bearings there must be some way to get past him. thought Yuri ………maybe I can use magic to win………but I don’t remember any spells. Then he heard another voice……a deep voice spoke…. Use my swords power……use it.
“What did you say Rory?” asked Yuri.
“What? I didn’t say anything!”
“Then-” Use the swords power. “That voice again…. Use the swords power? what dose it mean?” then all of a sudden Yuri felt a large amount of mana well up within him. (In case you don‘t know what mana is, it‘s energy that is in every living thing, it‘s used to power machines, like electricity. Mana is also used for magic). Yuri pulled out the Flagsaiga… it was glowing brown. “This is good…..I can use this to use a spell…….wait! I don’t know any magic!” Grave………Grave. spoke the voice again. “Oh well”
“Hehehe go ahead. I will give you one last try to kill me.”
“You‘ll regret that!” Yuri put his hands out in front of him and a black circle appeared under him. “Send this evil into the ground,” and his hands glowed brown. “Unleash thy power…….Grave!” After he said that word an X appeared in the ground right under Traker.
“What the hell is going on?” shouted Traker. When he looked down, and before he could even flinch, a pillar of rock shot out of the ground and went straight through Traker’s back, then four more pillars pierced the rest of his body.
Yuri walked up to Traker, blood was starting to run down the pillars. “N-No wonder m-master Zaire wanted you dead……….you really are the…..”
“The what?” But it was too late……. Traker was dead.

Chapter 12:
To Infinity and Beyond!

After the battle Yuri was taken to the fortress and got his leg bandaged (oh and if you‘re wondering Yuri‘s plan worked, hehehe, they ran like cats from water)!


The next day Rory and Ryan were flown to an island off the east coast of P.E.I.
When they landed Rory walked off the plane to reveal a spaceship with lots of trucks loading it up. Rory saluted when Lt. Pyildro came up. “Good day to you both, you two ready to search for the Tiger Stone?”
“You bet,” said Ryan. “I would do almost anything to help Rory.”
“Really?” asked Rory.
“No, I get to skip school!”
“Ha ha ha, anyways Lt. Pyildro, when are we setting off?” asked Rory.
“In about five minutes…. so get ready.”
“Well Yuri you can take over for now.”
“Ok.” Yuri took over and started looking around. He found the armoury and started to look at the weapons. Over in the corner Yuri found two swords that looked basically the same
“What you looking at?” questioned Rory.
“How would you like these for weapons?”
“What me?”
“Yes you!”
“No buts, I can train you if you want, besides if the prophecy comes true you need weapons.”
“I guess so.”
“Don‘t worry, we’ll take an hour a day to train.” Yuri took the two sheathed swords and attached them to his waist. The sheathes were white and the handles were gold with a red gem embedded in them. After that they headed over towards the space ship.
“I‘m sorry to say I won’t be joining you for the time being,” announced Lt. Pyildro before they started off.
“Why not?” asked Yuri
“Well I have to stay here in case Zaire strikes again.”
“I see sir.”
“But I promise you that I will be with you before the end.”
“Ok you‘re on!” Yuri and Lt. Pyildro shook hands.
A minute later Yuri, Ryan, John (Yuri‘s body guard….like he needs one), and fifteen other E.D.F members, were strapped in the cockpit of the spaceship and were preparing to take off. “This is H.Q. prepare for launch….. Ten…….nine……eight systems check, seven…….six…….five… boosters warmed up,

four……three…….two……one………lift off …good luck everyone and come back safely.” The rocket’s thrusters exploded with power as it was sent upwards into space, once they were in orbit.
“Engaging into hyper light speed” stated John. Then the ship blew into hyper space.


They traveled like this for a day. During that day, Rory was in the exercise room practicing with his new swords, while Ryan learned all of the controls from John. Then finally at seven am on the second day, they came out of light speed.
“Wow,” exclaimed Rory after they came out.
“Pretty ain‘t it?”
“Yes……so the journey I guess has finally started right?”
“Yes and when this is over I will take down Zaire!”
“Sirs, we have reached the first planet, Generiko. Look out the window“!
Rory walked over to the window to see a planet like earth, but much, much bigger. “We are making our decent.”
“And so starts the adventure,” thought Rory.

End of Book 2

Demon Soul 3:

Chapter 1: Giya

“Wow!” Spoke Yuri as the small E.D.F group departed the rocket. “This place is so much like earth.” sure enough there were trees, blue sky, and animals.
“If we hike for about half-hour, north, we should reach the capital of Giya: Horus.”
“I left school to hike?” Sighed Ryan
“This an‘t so bad!” Rory said. “Hey Ryan meet you at the top of that hill. Wait John is that the direction were going?”
“Yes it is sir.”
“Come on then Ryan!” Rory started to headed up to the hill.
“W-Wait for me Rory!” Ryan quickly Ran after them
“Fun to watch, right John.” spoke a solder.
“Yeah, let‘s get going.”
Rory got to the top of the hill first, on the hill there was a big oak tree. Rory jumped onto a branch and started to climb up the tree. “Come on up Ryan.” Rory hollered from half-way up as Ryan finally got to the tree. When Ryan had joined Rory, Rory was at the top of the tree, looking northward. “Ryan take a look at this!” Ryan looked where Rory was looking to see a large city in the distance.
“Wow is right!” Exclaimed Ryan. “I can‘t wait to get there.”
“Yeah me to”
“Sir Rory and Ryan.” They looked down at John “We should be getting off”
“Ok!” Rory and Ryan said simultaneously, as they climbed down. Rory landed on the ground with one jump and Ryan had to climb down. When they were safety on the ground, they headed towards the big city of Horus.


After a twenty minute hike through the forest. (With much complaining from Ryan “my legs hurt” and “Are we there yet!” wired enough Rory would usually do the same but……he felt fine.) they where at the gates of Horus. The gates were engraved with imperial dragons winding up the pillars of stone. Before they went in john pulled everyone of to the side. “This is the city of Horus in all it‘s glory, but still be very careful about what you say and do, Zaire doesn’t know that we have even left earth, or that Yuri has been released. So be on you‘re guard.”
“Then where are we staying?” Asked Rory
“Ha ha ha ha, don‘t worry about that, we are staying at a old friend of mine: Todd. Me and him go back to when I was a kid.”
“Well what are we waiting for lets go!” so they walked through the gates and into Horus.

Chapter 2:
The Old man Named Todd

After another ten minute walk through Horus, (which was cool because there was so much to see, such as sculptures, building, and of course, the people, they were dressed up in garbs that Rory nor Ryan had never seen before.)
They arrived at a small temple at the outskirts of Horus. On a big mountain. It was like one of those Japanese temples, with the pointed roofs and all. All along the temple, as they climbed, they could see fighters training, with axes, (By the way did I mention that John had a battle axe.) swords, daggers, samurai stars, and melee combat. “Is this some kind of training place?” Asked Ryan
“Exactly. Todd is the sensei of this temple, the temple of the white dragon.”
“This is going to be fun.” sneered Ryan
“What do you me by that?” Said Rory
“I mean watching them.”
“This can lead to trouble” sighed Rory “I can tell”
“Where here.” stated John, as he bowed. The others looked towards the end of the stairs to see a old man draped in white, with a white beard, and a short dagger at his side. “Sensei.” Whispered John
“Well, well, well. John Avatar. Long time no see my student.” croaked the old man in a young like voice. “Come in, come in, I‘ve been expecting you all. John come with me, we have many things to discuss.”
“What about them?” John said as he pointed to the rest of the group.
“They can explore the temple.”
“That‘s fine by me come on Rory.” Ryan started down the side ramp dragging Rory by his arm.


Rory and Ryan walked along the temple, watching the students par with each other and wooden dummies. “What‘s that over there” Said Ryan, as he pointed Ryan over towards a forest. Sure enough Rory followed Ryan’s eyes to see a white “Thing” sticking out over the tree tops.
“That?” said a student next to them. “That is the gate of Gonen.”
“What is it exactly?” Asked Rory
“It is supposedly were the god Gonen comes to this world.”
“What is Gonen?”
“A unicorn with a horn of pure gold.”
“This will be fun let‘s go Rory!” exclaimed Ryan
“Ok, lets go. Thanks for you‘re help.”
“Don‘t mention it.” Yelled the student as Rory and Ryan left him.
Rory and Ryan walked down the trail and into the forest. They wandered through the forest until they came to a clearing. In this clearing there was the gate of Gonen, tall and white. “Who’s that?” Ryan pointed towards the base of the gates. Rory followed Ryan’s gaze to see a teenager, resting on a rock at the edge of the base. The teen had short red hair, white martial arts suit, but the most noticeable thing about him was a mark on the back of his right hand. He also had two chains with a small scythe on one end of each chain.
 “Let‘s let him rest.” Suggested Rory and they walked pass the boy and up to the gate. The gate was more of a Japanese arch.
“It’s so peaceful here.” thought-spoke Yuri.
“Yeah I agree.” said Rory
Rory and Ryan turned around to leave, to see that the teen had gotten up and was looking at them. “Eh-hi there my name is Rory and this is Ry-” the teen looked away and went down the trail.


When Rory and Ryan emerged from the trail, a messenger called them over and told them to go back to the main gate. When they did they found John and Todd standing around the main stairs. “Come with me Rory” said Todd. Rory followed Todd up the stairs, Ryan went to follow but John held him back.
“This is for Rory and Yuri alone understand” whispered John
“Oh, oh right.” sighed Ryan
Rory followed Todd through the temple, soon they got to a room with the door locked. “let me handle this” said Todd as he pulled out a key. After they unlocked the door and went into the small room, Todd spoke to them again. “You Rory, have to prove you are worthy to retrieve the piece of the Tiger‘s Stone, so you will fight one of my best students.” as he said that the door on the other side of the room opened and in walked the teenager Rory had seen earlier.
“Hello Rory” Said the Teenager in a dull voice
“Rory this is Cortez Stingray.”
“Prepared to lose.” Cortez said
“Not at all.” said Rory Ok Yuri take over.
Why not?
You need to learn so….this is you’re match.
Oh, oh right. “All right let‘s do this” Rory Drew his two swords.
“You‘re going down.” Cortez drew a red staff with double sided black axe blades on each end.
“Are you two ready?” Asked Todd, both boys nodded “And…….Begin!” Cortez jumped at Rory, Rory side stepped and used his swords to pin Cortez’s staff to the ground. Wow I didn’t think you where that good! Complemented Yuri, Tanks Replied Rory. Cortez jumped back, letting go of his staff. what is he doing? thought Rory. Cortez held out his hands, then all of a sudden a pure purple sword came out of his arm, yes that’s right his arm. He held the sword firmly in hand.
“What the heck.” Stammered Rory, Cortez lunged, Rory put up his swords in defence, and as he did that he put his foot out, which hit Cortez in the gut. As Cortez hit the ground, Rory quickly dropped one of his swords. And held the other up to Cortez’s throat.
“I……” huffed Rory “I win.”
“Very good Rory.” said Todd
“I…lost.” Cortez muttered. Rory lifted his sword off of Cortez’s throat, he then picked up his other sword from the ground and sheathed his swords.
“You are strong.” said Todd “Even without Yuri‘s help.”
“He’s right you know, you did that all on your own.”
“I did! I did do pretty good.”
“Cortez.” spoke Todd as Cortez stood up. “Stand guard over the door, Rory follow me.” Todd stepped through the door Cortez came through, Rory followed behind. As they stepped through the door, they came to a descending set of stairs. As they walked down the twisty, turny stairs, the air became moister and thick. Rory could guess that they were walking deeper, and deeper into the mountain. After a few minutes Rory could finally see the bottom of the stairwell. “You are about to take one more challenge. You must venture into the Gonen’s tomb, and retrieve the piece of the tiger‘s stone that lays inside.” Todd pointed at the low arch at the other end of the room.
“I have one question?”
“How did Cortez make a sword appear out of thin air.”
“Well now that’s a bit complicated. When he was young he accidentally got himself involved in some experiments. And so he got turned into a fighting machine.”
“He had unicorn blood ejected into him. Thus he grew quiet and had some rare metal Growing inside of him, it‘s called uniom and he can eject it out of his body. As it‘s in his body it is a liquid, when it comes out of the body it hardens instantly, and he can meld it to his will. Even he doesn’t know the limits of his “Powers.” anyways good luck down their.”
“Sure no problem-o, right Yuri?”
“You bet Rory” Replied Yuri. Rory walked down through the arch and into Gonen’s tomb.
“And by the way be as fast as you can, we have had reports of demon ships in the atmosphere.” Todd called to them.
“Ok!” Replied Rory as he went around the first corner.

Chapter 3: Gonen’s Tomb!
And the first piece

“Wow.” said Rory as he made his way out of the corridor, and wow was right. He had just walked into a huge underground cavern. He could only see a few meters over the edge, but he could tell that the other wall was far away and the pit bellow was deep. “Well, looks like I have to venture into the darkness.” Rory spoke as looked down the dark trail. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a glow stick, then he snapped it. A bright glow glimmered off the wall showing the rock ledges of the wall next to him, Rory drew out one of his swords, and with a glow stick in one hand and a sword in another Rory ventured down the dimly lit path.

Meanwhile on the surface:.
“John sir we got trouble.” cried a soldier.
“What is it?” asked John.
“The demon cruiser sir, it‘s heading into the atmosphere.”
“I feared this.” sighed John (they had brought the E.D.F. ship to the temple.) “Ryan come with me.”
“Ok sir.” Ryan followed John into the ship and down a couple of corridors, till they got to the armoury.
“Ryan choose you‘re weapon, quickly.”
“Why John?”
“We had earlier detected a Demon cruiser orbiting. Now it is going to attack. So choose quickly.” Ryan looked around and knew exactly what he wanted and he shouted out.
“shotgun!” Ryan strapped a Double barrel shotgun to his back and a single barrel to the side of his leg.
“Good choice, now let‘s go” and John and Ryan ran out of the room.


Rory was walking for fifteen minutes (taking time to be careful on the path.), down the dark trail, when Rory found another corridor. Rory peered around the corner, “what are you doing?” asked Yuri.
“I got a bad felling about this place, for some reason.”
“Well let’s hurry up then, now you’re making me have a bad feeling!” Rory hurried down the corridor. Rory eventually came to a big room in the wall, as big as a small gym.
“Do you feel that?” asked Rory
“Yeah………what is that?”
“Wait….I feel two presences, one I think is the shard,….and…..the other is something with dark. It‘s lying behind the door on the right side of the room. And the shard is strait across.”
“Well then be very quiet!”
“You don‘t have to tell me twice.” Rory silently walked toward the door strait across from where he stood, but always kept a eye on the other door. Then Rory ran through the door, and into a small shrine of some kind. Even though they were way under ground, their was a small beam of light which was shining on…..a small shard of a rock, the shard was always a different colour every time you looked at it. Rory picked it up and put it in his pocket. As Rory went past the other room and back out into the cavern he said “That was pretty easy.”
“You shouldn’t have said that!” Right as Yuri said this they both herd a door slamming off it’s hinges. And then a low growling sound.
“What now?” Said Rory as he turned to face the corridor.
“Run!” Rory quickly sped off up the cavern, as he did this he herd the running stomps of the monster giving chase.


Ryan stood with John and the others that were going to defend the temple. Cortez had came out to join them, he gazed up into the air. “Here they come.” he said.
“All men to battle stations!” yelled John, Ryan looked up at John and realised something he had not before…. John’s right eye was green, and his left eye was brown. “My father had brown eyes, and my mother had green eyes.” said John as if he knew what Ryan was thinking.
“Four small fighters and one drop ship” Responded Cortez as he gazed up. “Armor on!” he said. And like magic all of a sudden a purple-ish liquid went under his clothes over his entire body except his face, then hardened. He took his staff from his back and held it in front of him.
“Guns ready!” Shouted John, everybody raised there blasters toward the incoming “Dots.” -“Aim!” The solders (Including Ryan) held their guns right to their eyes to aim. Soon they could see the ships clear. “Fire!” Little blast from the spread out group were being shot at the incoming ships. The battle had begun.


The echoes of footsteps could be herd in the cavern below the earth. Rory almost exhausted, tripped and fell to the ground. Slowly he rose. “I‘m tired of running.” huffed Rory. “I‘m going to slay this thing.”
Well….be careful.
“Ok.” Replied Rory. He walked over to the wall, and attached the glow stick to the wall, then he turned up the power so he could see farther, and sure enough he could see a black shadow down a bit ways further down. He held his sword with both hands. “I think this must be the guardian of Gonen‘s tomb.”
Must be. The creature slowed down and stepped into the light. It was like a big mutated wolf, it had spikes all over it’s back, huge teeth. , and a bad case of “Bad Breath.”
“Who dares enter my cavern.” the wolf spoke in a ruff vice.
“My name is Rory McDonald. I just came down here to get a old chunk of rock.” the Wolf stud up on his hind legs. “Wow you‘re a werewolf.”
“yes that is correct.” Huffed the wolf.
“What’s you’re name?”
“My name?” said the wolf, as if recalling a memory. “I was once called Cerberus, and I have lived for over a millennium. Guarding the shard of the tiger stone in secret. I am amazed that you could sense my presence in that chamber. But I also sense a demon inside of you, perhaps the half demon Yuri?”
“Yes, why?”
“Then the roomers are true. See I have been Psychically listening to the demons, and they have been saying that the half demon of legend has risen again, and I guess they are right.”
“Who‘s side are you on?” asked Rory.
“If I was on a side….it would be….. The humans.”
“Then come with us. And join the fight.”
“Has the war started already?”
“Yes come on, lets go!”
“Then I swear my elegance to you, lets go!” Rory ran up the path with Cerberus at his heels. <span id="test9701517">. . .</span><br/><div id="post9701517" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;"></div>

User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Aug 02, 2007 @ 07:08pm
wow this good

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 27, 2007 @ 01:59am
Long stuff right there!

But, neat story none-the-less.

Community Member
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