Love Before First Sight and Smashing Poetic Raspberries [SPR has a sequal- Still Smashing Poetic Raspberries] are both real good. SPR made me cry, by the way.
There's also Love: A Yaoi Story which isn't quite as good but it's still worth reading.
Keep in mind that all three of those are yaoi... boy love... m/m... slash... whatever you wanna call them. The dudes are homosexual, and if you don't like it, don't read the damn stories.
Log onto FICTIONPRESS.COM and click the little drop down list- click to search by pen name and type in Prof. Delusional. You won't regret it... unless you're a homophobe. Even if you're not a yaoi fan [which I don't think I am, I just love the characters more than anything else] it's good to check out this writer.
In truth, I think that her stories [and Love Before... and Love: A Yaoi Story] are the only decent stories I've ever read on the internetz. Other than Cruel2BeKind's stories on Quizilla- a sight that has, without a doubt, gone to the freakin dogs. They're all about either vampires, teen romance, or teen romance with vampires. It sucks. Or, they're fanfics about Draco Malfoy, a member of My Chemical Romance or Fall Out Boy or some other band. Either way, I'm getting sick of it.
Love Before First Sight and SPR are kinda similar in the sense that one of the main characters in both of them is disabled. In SPR, Kasper is a mute, and in Love Beofre First Sight, Jack is blind, but that's alright. Having a bunch of disabled people in my family, I'm very happy to see that more people are aware of the fact that "handicapped" folks can lead pretty normal lives as well.
Love: A Yaoi Story is interesting because it's between an elf and a polterguist, if that's even close to how its spelled. Trick and Suoh... very cool characters.