Character Name Here
~What My Papers Say~
My Lifespan: Age
Don't be Stupid: Gender
I am Special, but I Still have my own Group: Race
Why Does It Even Matter?: Sexuality
I never leave home without these: Weapons
Do you believe in Magic?: Any magic you have. Spells, abilities, powers, ETC.
I have skills: Any other talents. Mostly involves thing that don't do with combat or magic.
Don't be Stupid: Gender
I am Special, but I Still have my own Group: Race
Why Does It Even Matter?: Sexuality
I never leave home without these: Weapons
Do you believe in Magic?: Any magic you have. Spells, abilities, powers, ETC.
I have skills: Any other talents. Mostly involves thing that don't do with combat or magic.
~Diving Deeper Into My Soul~
I am part of this Group: What side are you on.
Gimme Gimme Gimme!
Hide Me!!!
People tend to think I'm odd: Personality
So much for my Happy Ending: Bio
SoundTrack to My Life: Theme Song or Favorite Song
So this is Love?: Crush
Gimme Gimme Gimme!
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People tend to think I'm odd: Personality
So much for my Happy Ending: Bio
SoundTrack to My Life: Theme Song or Favorite Song
So this is Love?: Crush
I Hear Voices In My Head......