a. pink
b.i dont belive in aura's
d.colour of suffering
h. ill let Ty-lee figure out that
Your fave season
a. Summer
b. i dont care
c. summer when it is boiling hot
d. mild
e. spring
f. autumn
g. maybe winter
h. winter
What do you do in your spear time
a. flirt
b. nothing
c. capturing the avatar
d. making someone cry
e. What ever i feel like
f.have fun
g. water bending
h. hanging out with Suki, Yue or boomerang
Whats your fave character from avatar
c. zuko
d. Azula
Best words to desribe you
a. flirty or always talks about aura's
b.A person would could not express your feelings
d. cruel and evil
e. blind
f. cheerful and always happy
g. kind and carring
h. always making jokes
What bender are you
a. not a bender alright
b. no bending i use blades intead
c. fire bending- fire is wild and dangerous
d. fire bending- harsh and evil
e. earth bending- enough said
f. air bending
g. water bending
h. jerks are benders *pulls out boomerang*
Which clothing would you rather wear
a.mini skirt
b. anything that is gloomy and black
c. just pants
d. crown
e. arm warmers
f. monks clothing
g. warriors uniform
which shippping do you like
a. Ty-lokka
b. maiko
c. i dont know maiko or zutara
d. never thought about it
e. tophang
g.kataang or zutara
h. suokka or yuokka
Your fave animal
b. i dont like anything
c.dragons or rhino's
d. fire dragons
e. bagermoles
f. bison
h. polar bear
did you enjoy this quiz
a. its was so cool ^-^
b. i dont care
c. such a waste of time
d. it depends on my results
e. it rocked
f.its was alright
g. it was long 0_0
[-alright, the answers are here-]
a= Ty-lee blaugh
b=Mai ninja
c=Zuko -
d=Azula twisted
e=Toph mrgreen
f=Aang biggrin
g=Katara 3nodding
h=Sokka razz
my results was Mai, Zuko then Azula.
I'm not a butcher, I'm not a Yid, Nor yet a foreign Skipper, But I'm your own light-hearted friend, Yours truly, Jack the Ripper...

Grell Sutcliffe <3

Grell Sutcliffe <3