I was watching ask ninja and relized that i have not talked to the council of ninja elders lately. So i climbed to the very tallest mountain on the planet. Not everest this mountain is a ninja mountain no body know about and since it is a ninja mountain it is better than every other mountain. incedently it is also the shortest mountain and most medioker. in addition to all of things a mountain can be...piont is i climed it to see the council of ninja elders. They were about to give a ninja mission. Then i thought about killing them. now if i don't know if you know this and you probly don't but all great ninjas exept the ones on naruto and ask a ninja and that one super awsome mega choclate coted ultrashow that is just so ninja that nobody watches it (Which doesn't exist). well any way all the great ninja exept for the ninja list prier to me saying this have recieved the gift of the dragon. Every year when the moon is full and when thunder sounds without the call of lightning. A dragon appears in the sky mouth wide and roaring with agony. That dragon is reaching the end of its life and before a dragon dies he gives his power to a mortal soul so that even in its death the dragon will be able to keep peace or sow distruction. a year ago i was visited by such a dragon. He was the brightest colour of red imaginable he was a tibeten dragon much like a chinese but longer in length. he spoke to me in a strange tongue and i think it was spanish. He spoke to me of the things i would do the things i would become and the power that i now have. He told me that all dragon posses the power of fire and flight and that each dragon has its own special power and that each person how reacives the dragons gift also recieves that power. However he did not reveal to me the special power and i still do not know what it is he did not teach me how to use my powers and he said that i would learn them in time and the told me the name of old man who had done great things in his past and who like me had the dragon's gift. I know not his name but know him only as the sage. He taught me that my powers will reveal themselves at certain times. The power of fire which will protect me when someone attacks me with the intent to kill and i stare back with the intent to kill the ideas will be the spark that ignight the dragon fire and they burst into a flames. The power of flight is even more rarely activated it only works when i lose all hope when i know i am about to die when my darkest hour arrives. I grow wings and are lifted away as if god himself had ordained me to live. The last and most inmortant will happen when it happens there is no way of knowing when and what it will manifest into but when it does it will be my greatest ally and a nightmarish curse. So What happened on that mountain is already you already know. They must of all intended to kill me for coming in uninvited so they burst into flames. That is just one example of how the gift of a dragon is a ninja's greatest ally and how shady faceless politions or ninja elders can't be trusted. Often.