I hate Mom's Day. Tis stupid. Another excuse for Dad to buy mom really expensive gifts. O well.
Been messing around the Marketplace. Buying fairly cheap items, bumping them up 100g and re-selling...
Anna Black · Sun May 08, 2005 @ 05:47pm · 0 Comments |
My Junior Prom is this Saturday. To be quite honest, I'll be glad when it's over. There's two people (well, it's like they're two half-people) coming with us that I really don't want to deal with. They're sewn together at the hip, smooch all the time, and I have the feeling like they think they'd have a better time on their own. Same here. O well. They're good friends. It's just... formal dates with them are a little awkward... xp
Anna Black · Fri Apr 22, 2005 @ 01:39am · 0 Comments |
I'm having serious doubts about Christianity. Went to Russ's church last night and I've never noticed myself feeling so "god-less." How odd. That at a church, at an attempt to 'save my soul', they drive me away. I don't like being surrounded people who get such ecstasy when I don't feel any different. It doesn't make sense to me. It makes me awkward. And I feel abandoned.
Anna Black · Wed Mar 30, 2005 @ 03:35am · 1 Comments |
I don't think I've ever had such an awful day. I cried for perhaps a total of a couple of hours. I nearly had a very nervous breakdown upon hyperventilating. Luckily Russ was there to help me calm down. I went out to eat with his family w/ Jake (he was going to cry if he didn't go-that's really the only reason I went) at Outback. Then we dropped him off and I went back to his house for an hour to work on homework. I got a lot of terms done and then came back at ten. I finished 6 more in the next hour. Then Mom went off to bed in a huff because I asked her if she wanted me to explain why I went to Russ's. The woman never stops watching the ******** television...
I seriously think I need some sort of counseling. And I'm terrified of talking to my parents. I don't want them to know what I think of them.
Anna Black · Mon Mar 07, 2005 @ 05:14am · 0 Comments |
Wow. I don't think anyone expected Million Dollar Baby to win Best Picture. And I hope Beyonce is done singing at the Oscars. I mean, Andrew Lloyd Webber didn't look too happy and she wasn't even nominated. That doesn't seem right. There was a lot of black promotion, and it wasn't all that good either. I mean, AVP was NOT the best picture of the year.
Anna Black · Mon Feb 28, 2005 @ 04:43am · 0 Comments |
Money Money Money Money Moh-nay |
Went to Oglethorpe today. It personally wasn't that thrilling. I kept comparing it to Agnes Scott and I simply wasn't too impressed. The safety lacked tremendously, the courses didn't seem that great, computers weren't that convenient... Anyway.
Also been going on this weird remission of making money on Gaia again through finding deals. One guy was offering 100g for guessing his favorite TV show. Got him to spill one hint and then got it fairly easily.
Another girl wanted a golden pillow commissioned for her friend:

Not too bad, as far as quickly done goes.
Anna Black · Wed Feb 23, 2005 @ 06:16am · 0 Comments |
Well, today's Monday. First official day of our Winter Break. And I'm playing with Silly Putty. I thought about cleaning. But then again. It's BREAK.
My mom's got 3 college visits planned. Blergh.
Russ is having a party today. Not sure what time I can go though. Dad's gotta work, Jake's home, and Mom's currently at work til 6. *sigh*
Anna Black · Mon Feb 21, 2005 @ 06:07pm · 0 Comments |
Winter Break and Gaia Ball! |
It's the 2nd Anniversary! Happy Birthday Gaia!! xd
Also, school has ended for the week. Unfortunately, I have to go back tomorrow for band. Go figure. domokun
Anna Black · Fri Feb 18, 2005 @ 10:02pm · 0 Comments |
Terms... and lack of updates... |
Sorry I haven't updated lately. Not that anyone reads this anyway.
I'm taking a break on terms. Got working on them late cause Russ came over and we finished watching "Shall We Dance?" Today has generally dragged.
Mr. Smith's at McIntosh and I miss him desperately. So does the rest of our class. Compared to Mr. Smith, our sub, Mr. Hickey, pales. He's boring and isn't involved in our class. He sits behind his desk and gives us busy work. It bothers me a lot, because I'm not learning. As this drags, I feel like I'm not prepared for this unit. It's a good thing we've only got about a week and a half left. I'm so decorating the room for when he gets back. I'll get Char and Kelly and Michelle and Mandy and whoever else wants to help.
Anna Black · Thu Feb 17, 2005 @ 02:18am · 0 Comments |