Name: Sirenea Danzala (a modified form of [sp] Siren Dance)
Rank: Privaron Espada 104
Age: (appears) 18
- Appearance :

- Markers :
+ Number - left thigh
+ Bone Fragments - along her hips
+ Hollow Hole - right thigh
- Zanpakutō
+ Name: Arpía de la Luna Negra ([sp] Harpy of the Black Moon)
+ Appearance: Classic Katana, with a black hilt. Hilt is covered in a thin black wrapping cloth, which has black feathers as a tassel on the end attached to a thin silver chain 1.5 feet long. The guard is a silver circle with a swirl pattern in the guard frame.
- Resurrección :
+ 1st. Odoru Arpía (Dance [jp] Harpy [sp][jp trans: Virago/Harpy])

+ 2nd. Segunda Songu (Second [sp] Song [jp])

- Abilities:
+ Powers, etc.:
Enhanced Hierro - includes feathers, wings, and new "skin" in Resurrección
Enhanced Strength - Increases with each Resurrección
Minor Regeneration
Sonído Master - Increases with each Resurrección
Immense Spiritual Pressure - Increases greatly with each Resurrección
Cero / Grand Rey Cero - Opens mouth, producing a Silver Cero / Licks blood from exposed wounds for the GRC to work.
Pesquisa Inversa - ([sp] inversa = inverse) The opposite of Pesquisa; User can hide or "dim" their spiritual pressure from others
+ Zanpakutō:
Resurreccións - Odoru Arpía {R1} & Segunda Songu {R2}
Pluma Hierra - ([sp] Iron Feather) Feathers/Fur in Resurrección are hard, but flexible like normal feathers. Can slice on whether user's demand. This is nothing like Avirama Redder's feathers. (Sirenea's feathers are much like fur, as not all of it comes out of the skin like a feather does. They are assumed feathers because of the fact that the rest are feathers. {R1/R2}
Rebanar - ([sp] to slice) Either the axe or claws slices opponent, whether they are in close or distanced combat. Distanced slices often include a small wind whip, not part of the actual cutting.{R1/R2}
Viento Guadaña - ([sp] Wind Scythe) swings axe or wings to produce a wind that slices the opponent (controlled) {R1}
Vendaval - ([sp] strong wind/gale) Flaps wings in order to produce a wind strong enough to lift opponents a knock them back with tremendous force into other objects, for example. (controlled) {R1/R2}
Recortar Rojo - ([sp] Red "Axe" - recortar = to cut, to cut out) Creates red winds and slices that damage the opponent, sometimes cuts off limbs or chunks of objects/opponents, since the winds are very chaotic and random (stronger than Viento Guadaña and Vendaval).
holaIncludes various tornadoes, whirlwinds, and dust devils. In certain whether conditions or as a result of "combined" zanpakutō/resurrección uses (meaning, that the resultant "left over" after moves add to this move), gustnados, waterspouts, fire whirls, steam devils, storms, hurricanes, wind shears, wind waves, squalls, and other wind related phenomenons can be created. (uncontrolled, to a point). {R2}
Frecuencia Armónica - ([sp] Harmonic Frequency) Changes or creates a frequency in the surrounding area to make a buzzy or annoying tone that crazes the opponent, allowing the user to strike more easily. Can be used to dim or stop sound; for example someone is talking, and this move prevents anyone else from hearing the speaker's voice (or anything that the user wishes to stop).
Hertzio Melodioso - ([sp] Melodious Hertz) Manipulates the fluidity, frequency, and reverberations around an opponent that distorts their perception and movements.
Someta Canción - ([sp] "you submit" song) Also called a "Siren Song", this swoons another to do the user's bidding.
- Personality: Sirenea is a warm, kind person, but hides it in front of strangers and superiors, where she acts quiet and subordiantive. She fits into the leader-type category, but she does not think of herself that highly (in that matter). Thus, she seems very introverted, holding back some of her thoughts, beliefs and whatnot. When she gets comfortable with someone, she may let her true personality peak out. She is somewhat sensitive to what others are feeling (unless her own feelings of that person cloud her judgment. i.e. totally scared of Aizen). She does not like fighting, but will fight and protect if she or someone she deems worthy is threatened. It is easy for her to give some trust to another, so a flaw is that she may give too much trust. She thinks that honor, values, and trust are vital things that must be kept. She fears those that she know will hurt her if she makes any mistake, for example many of the Espada. She also does not like herself, in the fact that she does not like Hollows and thus herself as a Hollow.
- Bio: In her human life, Sirenea and her sister, Kiera, lived together. Not living a good life, she became a hollow when she and Kiera died. Her sister, living a good life, went to the Soul Society. She hasn't seen her sister since, and once she realized she was a thing of evil. Sirenea hated herself. But she had to live, so she decided to take up the ways of hollows in order to survive, and possibly see her sister before anything happened to her. She felt that there was more to than what she was, and once others said they could become a higher being - an Arrancar - Sirenea leapt for the chance.
After becoming a full fledged Arrancar, Sirenea joined the Espada (Privaron, at the time) in order to protect herself and gain power that she knew she held within her. (Protect, meaning defend from fellow Hollows; Power with in, meaning the ability of a Resurrección). She befriend Cirucci Thunderwitch, spending a lot of her time her when they first met. At this time, she only had her first release, and got to a point of training that she was at her fullest power (w/ the first release) at the number of 4*. Her own Fracción consisted of Ying and Yang, the twin Arrancars. (Sirenea sent them away once Aizen came, using Someta Canción, asking them to erase all memories of their time near the Espada - in order to protect them from Aizen. By doing this, they became shells, allowing for Sōjirō Kusaka to make them loyal to him instantaneously - they knew of nothing otherwise.)
Once Aizen took full control, and kicked the Privaron to triple digits to create greater Espada with the Hōgyoku, Sirenea abandoned Cirucci** and her other Privaron in order to stay well in with the ranks. While still holding her number, she asked Nelliel Tu Oderschvank if she could participate in her Fracción, as they held similar ideals. Although by doing this she was basically demoting herself, Sirenea thought that she would be better put to use and try to earn Aizen's respect as a natural Arrancar if she still was useful (which, most likely never would happen...). After Nelliel's "accident", Sirenea decided to relocate to other Espada's Fracción. She tried asking (/begging) specifically the following: Coyote Starrk, Tia Harribel, Ulquiorra Cifer, and Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez. But due to differences in conduct, constraints in ideals, or just flat out denied, Sirenea gave up on being a Fracción.
She also, after aimlessly walking the halls after weeks on end (using Pesquisa Inversa, as nobody would bother her/diss her as she is a Privaron), stumbled upon the Room of the Hōgyoku. Thankfully, no one was there at the time, and she was not caught being there. After debating on whether to take a chance on looking at it, Sirenea touched the Hōgyoku (I mean, seriously. Wonder what REALLY happens if you touch the Orb of Distortion "just because", and you are not a "soft" soul?) Being neither a pre-Arrancar body nor a Shinigami - and instead being a natural born Arrancar without the help of the Hōgyoku - was thus "unlocked" inside. She, until a later momentous insight, had developed a second form - her Segunda Songu - and had become much stronger than some of the other normal Espada. ~ As it is unknown how Ulquiorra acquired his second form, we don't really know how any second form can be obtained - thus, anything is really possible until Tite Kubo tells us how. So, this is how Sirenea got hers. :3 ~ Once she realized what she had done by a single touch, Sirenea set out that she would try to avoid Aizen as much as possible. Like why Ulquiorra did not let Aizen know of his 2nd form, Sirenea knew that bad things would happen to her if the knowledge of any "higher level" got out.
Sirenea thus has been found wandering the halls, pestering her favorite Espadas (mostly the ones that she asked to "work under" wink , and trying to get another glimpse of the Hōgyoku. She has steered clear of Aizen most of the time... Aside from the fact that she has never seen his Shikai, Sirenea is certain that her secret would be undone if otherwise noted by Lord Aizen.
*Note: I did not realize that the time of numbering her, that 103 was already taken (I had placed her there to in the "trio" then of the three female threes, Sirenea being the third). Thus, I took her and put her in 104. While her move list matches that of the female trio (as she originally was suppose to be of that), I like her to be at the status of Ulquiorra. Cause he is awesome...So, she's 104...
** Sirenea and Cirucci began to have hardcore skirmishes around this time, as well as some loss of trust (aside from Thunderwitch becomes the "whore" we know her as....), the consequence the termination of their friendship...
AU Vizard
- Bio: A/N: All of the previous Bio was true, but this is the continuation of her story now. This, in my Bleach fan fic, is what really happens to Sirenea Danzala as Aizen gains power:
Once Aizen retrieves the Orb of Distortion and Sirenea gets her Segunda Songu, she begins to doubt her loyalty to Aizen. While she was already in the midst of the Espada, her hate of herself as a hollow began to return.
Thus, Sirenea began to think of helping the Shinigami. Since she cannot abandon the Espada in how far she was in it, she began to think of ways to become more Shinigami-like. The Hōgyoku already has gotten her so far, so other options were in order. For some reason, she began to chip at her hollow bones and take the fragments and grind them to powder. She then put them began to take it and heal herself and put the powder in the place of her hollow hole. Once the fake Karakura town battle commences, Sirenea had most of her bones gone, and the hole was half the diameter of it originally.
SO, this is the part that I am stuck on, but eventually, Sirenea disgraces the name of hollows and rips off her hollow bones completely. She then fills up the hollow whole, and by the power of the Hōgyoku (in a way) she forced herself to become a type of Vizard-Shinigami of sorts. Due to her own wanting of becoming not an Espada, she became human.
She then helps to defeat the Espada and Aizen, along with meet up with her sister; only since Bleach isn't over with yet, I might have to change some of this as it goes along.
- Appearance:

- Shikai/Bankai, of sorts

- Abilities/Zanpakutō :
Same as when she was an Arrancar, basically
Arrullo de Estrella Plata - ([sp] Silver Star Lullaby) Move has not been developed, and so Sirenea really doesn't know what it does.