Something troubled me as I observed the strange, glossy yellow stone in my hand. My mother had given it to me in her will. and it was seen in my father's will soon after he died. It was tragic for me. My parents spent their lives together, even down to the last moments. That made me happy. What filled me with rage was the fact that my parents were killed in a shooting by some gang that was taking territory near my home. When they had died and left me with their possessions. they left me with an ambition that burned hotter than the flames of hell.I would one day see my parents avenged, even if it were by someone else's hand. I at least would watch as the assailant begged for his life. "Hunter, hey, wake up. the bell rang. let's get out of here before the old man chews my a** out again." The words most people would've generally thought a man would use, strangely enough, lept lyrically, and yet tyrranously, from the mouth my best friend since 1st grade, Natalie. I waved it off before she could snap her fingers at me to call my attention, or threaten me, she was good at communicating like that. And worse, she was hungry, and it was lunch. So I smiled when I found my face moving to look at her, "If he does chew your a** out, can I watch?" She sighed, grabbed me by the collar, and began dragging me across the hallway. I didn't struggle, and everybody who passed us by started joining me in laughter. That is, until Natalie tossed them a glare. Few people were arrogant, or stupid, enough to mess with Natalie. They had a good reason, too. As a kid, Natalie was schooled in lots of martial arts. It was because of that training that nobody dared to be her enemy. I had it lucky, though. I was her best friend. She dragged me to our table, and giggled as she dropped me. I was too layed back of a guy to catch myself, and hit the floor calmly, got up and sat down for a bit with my friends. First there was Damian. He did a lot of practice in occult matters, but was a really easy guy to get along with. He joined our group quickly, and became a member of the school even quicker. His knoweledge of the occult took interest in several others, and he was really good with words. Nobody would call him a leader, but he could definately advise one. apart from occult knoweledge, he also had a good amount of political wisdom. He was gullible, though, and sometimes people took advantage of that. Then was Kent. He was the best wrestler in the entire state. he had won more trophies for the school than our football team. He had muscles that could handle Natalie, but that was literally the only thing he had to compare to her. He was also a bit on the dumb side, so his girlfriend, Rebecca, tutored him often. He and his girlfriend were one of the best couples around. they got along very well. and whenever one fell behind, the other would be right there to help. if soulmates existed, they were it. last, but far from least, was Damian's little sister, Prisilla. People loved her for her name alone, and as they got to know her, they started liking her even more. She takes alot of intrest in the guys here, wich worries Damian to death. He's so afraid that someone will take advantage of her, and he wouldn't be able to fend them off. Me and Kent promised if he ever needed us, We'd help him. It was a promise that only the strong would keep. and we still hold to it. Me? I'm Hunter. My parents died about two months ago. My friends don't ever let me have it on my mind, though. I tell them I'll make it through, and they trust me. A lot of people trust me I'm not the smartest, or the strongest. Really, if it weren't for my sword-skill, people wouldnt've looked twice at me. I'm layed back, though, and tend to slack off sometimes. but i always have my friends to restore my resolve. I was waiting in line with Prisilla and Damian, when, for the first time in severral weeks, somone pissed me off. A freshman had the guts to try and push his way through the line, shoving prisilla into the wall. I grabbed him instantly, and glared him down, eyes filled with raw lightning, "Who the hell do you think are?" He struggled to break free, trying his hardest to threaten me, I slammed him into the wall. By that time, people were gathering, kent and Natalie rushed up to me and pulled me off the kid as security guards grabbed him. Natalie twisted my arm behind my back, "Control yourself, Hunter. I know how you feel." I relaxed as they took the kid away. They asked me to follow. I did so, not letting anyone think something was wrong. Natalie walked with me, probably ensuring that I didn't lash out at the kid while the officers had him. We slowed down our pace so we could talk in private. "That guy won't last long here." I blurted quietly. "Wat happened, hunter? You don't usually attack someone unless they attack you, or someone else." "He was cutting his way in line, and he pushed Prisilla into the wall." I told her. She put a hand on my shoulder, comforting me the best she could, "I like that about you, hunter. You care for people. And you protect them. Thats really sweet." She smiled warmly, a side of her that only I could ever see.Despite her rigorous martial arts training, would've made a great mother. She liked to take care of me. She lives with me nowadays. Well, I live with her. Her parents let me live with them until I could get up on my feet. She had begged her parents to let me, and it took them a while, but they let me. So far, they've come to trusting me pretty well. I looked at her. Lately, she's been looking at me funny. She's had this glint of desire in her eyes. Don't get me wrong, she was a nice-looking girl. She was a brunette. Her brown eyes flared with feminine strength. She was tough, but kind. Her face was just slightly pale, but it made her look better in the light. She wore the same thing I liked to wear, jeans and a t-shirt. She liked to wear shirts she got from concerts and other such things. Her favorite was a shirt that I had originally bought for myself. It was a black warped tour t-shirt from a few years back. She wore it every chance she got. I hate to say it, but it looks good on her, though, so i let her have it. She waited for me outside as I greeted the other officers. "Hunter, what are you doing here?" Said one of the officers. The officer escorting the kid answered, "He got into a fight with this kid" The kid blurted out, "This guy tried to choke me!" "I'll do it again if you hurt prisilla!" I yelled back The officers hushed us, "We'll start with the new guy. Tell us your name first." The kid looked at them, "Mark." "Okay," The officer continued, "Can you tell us what happened?" "I was wating in line, and this guy grabbed me by the neck and started yelling at me. Everybody was just staring instead of doing anything." "That all?" The officer that escorted him asked. "Yeah, he kept threatening me." "All this true, hunter?" The officer looked at me. "Some of it is, but not all of it. He was cutting his way through line. He passed me, Damian and Prisilla, and shoved Prisilla into the wall. I got mad, grabbed him by the collar, and held him up to the wall. People started gathering around that time. I asked him who the hell he thought he was. Thats when this officer pulled me off the kid, Netalie came here with me." Another officer was writing all this down. The kid's escort tapped my shoulder as he left, "let's go on back to lunch, hunter. There's probably a commotion." The kid stood up, but was blocked by another officer, "What about me?" He said in shock The officer was calm whe he spoke. "Don't worry, kid, you're not in trouble. We just want to talk to you, then you can go back to lunch." He sat down slowly. As We left the door, Natalie stood up, "You're not in trouble, Are you?" She looked at the officer. I waved it off, "No, they just wanted to know what happened." She started fanning herself, signalling a joke to me, "Oh god, you didn't lie to them, did you? They had to cuff you, didn't they?" We laughed together. We detoured from the officer. okay, She detoured from the officer, dragging me along. "come here." She said simply, leading me to as private a spot as she could find/ "What are we doing here?" I asked. She was weirding me out with the way she's been acting. She took my hands, put them on her hips, wrapped her arms around my neck, and pulled herself close, "How does it feel, hunter?" I was frozen, not in shock, but thought. I had the feeling she liked me, but I didn't think she'd ever try something like this. We'd been best friends since 1st grade. I never thought she'd want any more than that.But here she was, letting me hold her, trying to be as close to me as possible, face close enough to mine I could hear her breathing. I was overwhelmed. I didn't know what to say, and just as I was about to tell her exactly that, Something completely different slipped out of my mouth, "I can't..." "Can't what?" She was trying to go on, but looked down in depression, "I'm sorry, Hunter, I thought you felt the same way..." "What do you mean?" Was all I could say. She walked off, "Let me be alone for a while, Hunter." I did as she said. "What have I done?" I asked myself as she walked off. I trudged my way to lunch, trying not to look down. I joined everyone else at the table. Everyone asked me about the new kid. I told them all what happened. Natalie came back soon after. She seemed to be feeling good to everyone else. I could see that she was hurt. I whispered into her ear, "Talk to me after school. we can meet at the park." She looked at me, I winked back. "Hunter, nobody winks anymore. This isn't the 1950's" Damian said through a bite of mashed potatoes. I tossed him the finger, "go to hell, Dames. I'm having fun. I kicked some fresh meat's a**, got to sleep all day, and I can expect things to look up from there. I got an interview scheduled today.I might have a job." Kent tossed his arm around my shoulder, "Looks like out little boy's growing up." I pushed him off, "Since when was I a little boy?" Natalie joined in, "Since we kissed under the oak tree." Everyone looked at us and started laughing. She winked at me so Damian could chime in, "1950's" Natalie and i both tossed him the finger again, simultaneously saying, "Go to hell, Dames." Then looked at each other. "Aw, you guys should be going out by now." Prisilla said through a pair of googly eyes. "uhh..." We both tried. "Oh my god they are!" Rebecca blurted. "We are not!" We both yelled out together. "Sure you're not." Kent winked. More finger tossing by me, Natalie didn't, though. She made the words, "Shut up, Kent. And before you say it, Go to hell, Dames." I looked at my lone finger, then put up another one for Damian. We all shared a laugh, then changed the subject. "Ohmygod!" Rebecca gasped out, "Halloween's coming up! We need a Halloween party." "Kent nodded in agreement, "she's right. Who's gonna set it up?" "I'm out." Damian said. "Not me." Prisilla waved it off. "I don't even have a house to host it in." was my reply. Then I realized halloween was actually coming up, and that she wasn't lying. "I don't think my parents would let me." Natalie said, "I could ask them, but I don't think it would work out." "Well, ask your parents. If they say no, we can have it at my place again." Kent was used to having our halloween parties at his house.we did it every year. He had a big house, with an even bigger backyard The bell rang before anyone else could put in a word. We talked more about the party as everyone shuffled to their next class. Only me and Natalie were left to talk on our way to Pre-cal. We chose a pair of seats in the back. Natalie started whispering, "I'm sorry about what happened earlier, Hunter." "I should be sorry. I wasn't trying to say I can't be with you. I was just so overwhelmed It just slipped out." I explained to her my thoughts. I didn't want to let this last too long. It wasn't worth it. She smiled, eyes glistening brightly, then rushed me to get my book out, "C'mon, get your book out, hunter." "Aw, but I don't want to." I slouched in my seat. Being the devious little girl I know, she used the most effective trick she had in her arsenal of finger-wrapping techniques. She flared up the puppy eyes and shot me dead in the face with them, "Please, hunter?" that was al she had to say "goddamn male hormone s**t." I mumbled to myself as I reached into my bag for my book. I looked at her, "You owe me." She owed me because Math was my weak point. after that, the day went quick. Last bell finally rang, allowing us to go home. I couldn't go staright home, though. I had a quick talking to give. Hopefully that was it.