Yuffie Kisaragi, in possibly the world's most awesomest crossover RP here... <333 Played by me, layout, also by me. I'm actually a little proud of it...XD
҉ ¥ մ ƒ ƒ ı є ~ Ӄ ı ƽ ɐ ʀ ɐ ɠ ı ҉  The Single..._________________________________________ White Rose of Wutai... ____________________________________________________________________
 How did she get conned into this? I mean, seriously, how did she get roped into letting her precious materia be used as an experiment. All that work to gather it, and then that sweet talking Turk came along and BAM! Kablooie! Explosion! Gah! No, no, no! Not Ciiiiid. He had nooooooo respect for her, or her materia. Why was HE getting to try to be the one to forge new stuff out of material. And why did it have to be HER materia? And WHY did he have to start with a SUMMON materia??? Something, you know, like FIRE would have been SIMPLER! And less potentially explosive. Sure, some thigns might combust and light on fire, but the fire materia was sooo much easier to find!
Oooo, when she got a hold of him… Again she saw those first blows to the stuff, and she felt the lightning in the room as everyone saw it start to take shape. She was also the first one to squeal when the whole thing started to glow funky colors and then the entire room was consumed, people, tools, materia, and all. Wait… her… no way…
“MY MATERIA!” Her voice no doubt echoed throughout the lavish room. She glanced around hurriedly. Already her normal energy was coming back. Where she was wasn’t as important as where her material was, and if everyone else had survived. Clearly, she’d been taken here for some reason, and she doubted she’d been kidnapped again. Stupid Don Corneo…
With a squeal she rolled out of the bed, a mess of sheets and shurikens, oh, yeah, and there were some clothes in there too. She was trying to find her phone. IT wasn’t on her waist… Or in her boot, and it wasn’t around her anywhere… She pulled herself up on level with the desk and gave out a triumphant “AH-ha....!” before it slid off into the realization that it wasn’t her phone. Hers was different. It was black, like hers, but hers had silver accents and little materia stickers all over it. And, one hanging off the end as a charm. Instead, this one was just plain black.
She picked it up anyway and began to dial numbers. She started with Tifa’s. No, it wouldn’t dial. Panicking, she tried the next number that came to mind- Cid’s. After all, this was his fault, she was certain. Nope, no answer. Did this thing even work? Cloud’s phone had the same reaction. Vincent’s was next. Sure, she had been told she had no right to call his phone, but this was desperate! Barrett didn’t pick up either! She even tried calling Shinra, hoping for the secretary… Nothing. Shinra always answered the phone! Even if it was just to tell you couldn’t talk to who you wanted to and then hang up on you. This was very, very, bad. This was reaaaaally bad… she had a phone, but couldn’t call any of her friends on it.
The young ninja jumped out of bed and was then running out of the door, down the hall, and to the elevator. It was pretty fast as far as elevator’s went, but it wasn’t fast enough now. She had seen a sign advertising food on floor 2, and she had reasoned, simply, that when there was people, they went to the food. Besides, any of her other friends would be hiding in corners. Those that wouldn’t be moping, would be stuffing their faces. And, if there were people there, she could ask about them. When the door opened, she hurried out into the lobby, a shuriken on her back as she ducked between people, checking their faces to make sure they weren’t any of her friends.
“Hey-hey-hey! Has anyone seen too brooding men? One would have blond hair and it’d be all spiky, and the other would totally be in red and just look kind of mean. He’s really nice though, just, he looks like he isn’t. Great with kids, but you’d never believe it. Dark hair, red eyes that one? Or, maybe the fighter chick! Can’t miss her. Big chest, long hair, gloves, would seriously beat your butt down. Or a red wolfy thingy. Nanaki wouldn’t be able to miss him, or, or, A doll that looks like cat with a crown! Or-or, big dark man with artificial arm. Serious looking gun too. Shoot first ask questions later kinda guy. Or… Reno…yeah he was there. Clumsy guy with long red hair, in a business suit but he looks like he just rolled out of bed....Or...”
Yeah, Yuffie Kisaragi could talk your ear off. And, probably would. Right now, she was counting on her fingers, looking at the ceiling, not really at any of the other patrons. She was completely oblvious to what everyone else was doing. A little self-centered? Perhaps… but right now, she didn’t have any reason not to be.
Atiri - The - Thief · Thu Sep 04, 2008 @ 04:47am · 0 Comments |
A nice, average sized, lazy day post...
The sunrise was, as always, resplendent. The sight warmed her all the way to the recesses of her heart. It lit up her mind to the delight of living, each time she saw it.The sun coming up over the horizon, as if it too had survived another long night. Aura let her blue eyes close lightly as she felt its rays warm her cheeks. She even allowed her wings to flutter, lightly at first, and then basking entirely in the sun’s glory.
Nothing compared the sunrise. Luckily, it happened every day. And she always met it when she could. That turned out to be most of the time, oddly enough. With a brief sigh, Aura let herself relax as she began speaking softly to what to some would seem the sky. “Oh Goddess… give me the strength that I need for today. Bless me with thy protection, and guide me to those who need your help.” A moment of silence as her prayer ended. With a smile on her features that rarely ever left, she eyes the trail in front of her. It was one that she knew would take her far., Perhaps, not that far today, and not that far tomorrow, but far.
Her outlook was positive, despite the clear fact that she wouldn’t last a minute if she decided to get ambushed. Unless they took pity on her, which, was often the case. She had gotten robbed in the past, but had offered no resistance, and let the prayer in her heart rise all throughout it. Indeed, she had survived, with minimal to no injuries. Easy prey, yes, in fact she was. Did it bother her unduly? Not in the least. It pained Aura to see people turning to violence, but she could do nothing for it, to her great regret. Physical wounds could be restored, temporal ailments eradicated, but canker of the mind? Sadly, she knew no herb for that. She cast up a prayer, each day for the struggling, but what could she do? Not much… hardly anyone listened to a soft spoken angel.
Soft blonde locks were brushed over her shoulder as one foot than the other took first one step then the next. The dust began to rise just lightly up off the ground before it settled back innocently, almost exactly where it had been before. The sun did not impart a fiery heat, no, it was as a fire just starting to burn. The warmth was rosy, comforting, not sweltering and destroying. The plains were such a nice place to travel…The weather today looked like it would be clear. That was a good sign. Another blessing. She had so much to be thankful for. If only she could find Aurora… And then she would be complete.
Atiri - The - Thief · Thu Sep 04, 2008 @ 04:43am · 0 Comments |