And I am bored. Dreadfully bored.
This is a meme for writers. *Original idea on: and, belonging to PitaBread and Tomoe-Chan.
1) How about a brief introduction of yourself?
My name is thought this was my name, didn't you?. I normally go by the name Anna Jaganshi on the internet, but lately I've been trying ot divert to other things... I've been growing tired of the same name...
2) Fabulous! And what got you into story/novel-writing to begin with?
... Y'know, that is an excellent question. I honest to God can't remember! Ha! It's been so bloody long that I can't remember...
3) I see, so what kind of story/novel do you like to write about? Why?
Fantasy is my main and general cup of tea, but I always splash in other genres. Romance is almost a given, but I dabble into tragedy and the like as well. And I’m a fanfiction writer, but I also right my own, original things.
4) What type of characters do you normally have (for the protagonist)?
OMG Don’t even go there.
5) What is your most popular/largest story/novel project? Describe.
I have numerous projects going on right now, and all of them are at the same percent of importance. Wait, that doesn’t quite answer the question, does it…? Well, “Slave or Save?” is my most popular… but that’s because it’s the largest story I’ve written so far. AND I HATE IT. I need to edit that thing so bad it’s not even funny.
6) What is the story/novel you've written/writing that you are most proud of? Why?
At present? Not really anything… I have a fanfic I’m rather happy with, but the title escapes me at the moment… sad, isn’t it?
7) Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with?
It depends on whether or not the Muse decides to strike me with her wonderful writing prowess. If she does, I can write for quite a while (but if it makes any sense, well…), but if she doesn’t… churning out a sentence can be a challenge, sometimes. ^^’
cool Write a catchy intro on the spot NOW!
Space… the final frontier.
(No one said it had to be original (or long), and I have to run off to bed soon. xD)
9) Are there any story cliche that you are just sick of?
******** VAMPIRES. D: The Twilight series right now specifically. It makes me literally want to retch anymore. >> They’re blowing that way out of proportion.
But anyway, aside form that, basically these characters who are just KING OF THE MOUTAIN. Can do anything—nothing gets in their way! Not even a brick wall while buckled into a speeding car.
10) Are you guilty of those cliches that you hate?
I am attempting to write a vampire story for a friend of mine… (and I feel terrible, because I got the order probably years ago, and I am no where near finite, and I lost the file. ;-; I’m so terrible…)
11) What would you call your writing style?
Lame? *cough* Err, not really sure… I try to mix things up and in with my writing, and I like to try new styles.
12) What type of story do you generally read?
Fantasy and romance. I read what I write, in a sense.
13) What's the one thing you have always wanted to write but are too afraid/shy to?
Hmm… nothing, really. I either haven’t wanted to yet, or am too lazy to start it. Nothing to do with fear or shyness. More like lack of ability and laziness.
14) Do you have trouble taking criticisms?
If the person is plain rude, I snap back, but otherwise I take it with a grain of salt. But I take it seriously, too. I like to know how to improve.
15) When you write, is there anything that helps? (Music, food?)
Food stimulates, music inspires. And I like to take little breaks sometimes to watch some anime. It helps.
16) What inspires you?
17) Lastly, how do you sum up your writer's career so far?
So far it’s been slow, but I’ve greatly enjoyed it. I’ve not been writing for a long time (since the sixth or seventh grade, I believe…), and I’ve come a long way from the geeky little girl I once was. Oh… I still am a geeky little girl. xD
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