Let's see, the last time I logged in here was what, January? Well, let me assure you, while I may no longer be on here everyday (at least after I figure out a these new options, cars, oho...) I will try to be more active. I'm going to try to put up a 'Since I've Been Gone' entry when I have more time, but for now, you can check out my DA account, something I keep waaay more track of. It's got all sorts of nifty info there, and it doesn't screw me over when I try to post pictures. 3nodding DA Account Link Lovums!
Scunosi · Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 02:57am · 0 Comments |
Okay, so we didn't spend much time in Atlanta, but we did go to the zoo. The only person who was able to do anything with me was Hoshi. Oh well. We'll have plenty of time for stuff when I move back. We had many discussions about SOLAR, her LARP, and she says she's going to force me to go to at least one next time, since I never got to before. I'll go as Elvar, but of course I'll have to lose some weight before then. And maybe get some of those breast bands or something. Gotta pull off the illusion. We went to the zoo, but only because the aquarium was sold out. It was kind of hot and drizzly, so some of the animals weren't really active, or even visible. It was still nice just to see you again, though, Hoshi. Let's see, since then I've picked up my book again, I'm now about 1/5 of the way through. Woo, go me. I got a bunch of supplies for making stuff, and I finally made my penguin plushie. It's in desparate need of a hat, though. I bought some leather thongs (yes, that's the term) in order to make a belt, but after braiding them I realized that it was way to short to go around me, much less any other human being that wasn't four years old, so that's done for now. I've started on my fox ears for the Manga club potluck. Now I just need a headband to sew them to. I'm borrowing Polette's tail for the event, since dressing up as Raz (as I'd planned) was proving to be too costly. I've been playing a lot more of Legendia lately, in small increments. It's not bad, although I'm still shocked they went with a random battle system. Also, Will seems to be more of a combonation between Raine and Kratos more than just Kratos. I can't believe I'm already on Chapter 3. It seems like it's going to go by too quickly. And if anything, the Tales games are known for their length. Speaking of which, I never finished Phantasia... Anywho, some of the voice-acting is kind of funny sounding, especially when they emphasize what I would consider to be the wrong word. Oh well, nobody's perfect. Song........................... Engel-Rammstein
Scunosi · Mon Aug 21, 2006 @ 12:02am · 0 Comments |
I don't want to think about school! Who came up with summer homework anyways? I mean, isn't the whole point of summer to be a break from school? Some relaxation time? I didn't have homework last year, and I still had an AP class! Are they trying to say these two are ten times harder than the others? Ugh, I hate it! But you know I'll still do it. I haven't picked up SaGa in a while, I've been in a more artsy mood lately. Unfortunately, I can't think of good subjects now that I've run out of commisions. I suppose it's a good thing I'm pretty much done with all of them, but... I don't think I'm actually going to read one of my books. I had to pick two, and the one I grabbed from the 'long' list is nearly 500 pages. I don't have to read the intro or notes of course, but it's about the Lewis and Clarke expedition. gonk Boring. Though I must say, I didn't know Lewis killed himself. Maybe if I treat it like a psychological study, I can find out why. Yeah, right. I've got more interesting things to do! I really want to make something with Sculpey, but my old project bombed, so...maybe not. Song............................... The Flame-Cheap Trick
Scunosi · Wed Aug 02, 2006 @ 11:03pm · 0 Comments |
Yes, it's been a while again. And I'm tired of excuses. Make your own. My birthday's come and gone, not that any of you louts would care, you old misers, and I've been blowing my cash on stuff that normally I would just look at and sigh at the thought of paying for it. Let's see, I got Romancing SaGa, Tales of Legendia, the first special edition YYH set, a new calender for next year (got to get them early you now), the new Katherine Kerr (it's about time), and maybe a few other things. Oh yes. Attack of the Bacon Robots. I forget, did Chicken Man own it or just borrow a copy? Anywho, even though I've read most of it before, I now own it. There's just that something about actually owning something, you know? Let's see, Tales....not sure what to think yet. Sure, I've only gotten about five minutes of actual gameplay, but I'm not sure if I like the the style. The graphics for the towns and such are cute, kind of makes me think of claymation, but the way they drew the characters...I don't know. Maybe if they weren't all wearing skinsuits? Oh, and it amuses me to no end that Kratos is playing Kratos again. Or at least the equivalent of him. I think. Again, five minutes. Romancing SaGa on the other hand is wonderful. At times the voice-acting is awkward, and it's often painfully obvious that they recycled a few actors, but overall it's good. It sucks not being able to control the camera, but that's to be expected of an RPG. The whole game really reminds me of Radiata Stories, so I've gotten to thinking of it as its predecessor. They just hadn't worked all the kinks out yet. But apparently RS is actually a remake of a much older game for the...SNES I believe? It's amazing what they can do these days. All this talk of videogames makes me want to run my own website. Maybe I've been reading too much VGR. Song.................................... Holding Out For A Hero-Frou Frou
Scunosi · Fri Jul 28, 2006 @ 05:00am · 0 Comments |
Yes, we found some puppies. Not that we hadn't seen others, but these weren't really expensive or of questionable lineage. See, we wanted a new dog, but not anything too big. We found some miniature Australian sheperds, and we ended up getting two. Both male. We were going to just get one, but she gave us such a deal that we got another. They're really cute. We've decided to name them Bowie and Axel. The one's because of his eye, and the other's just a random musical name. Axel Rose is hot. I know that they'll never replace their predecessors, but it's more like...reinforcements that replacements. I'm not sure how to word it. It's kind of like we've been given a second chance to do everything right this time, to raise them to be active and playful. I hate it, but it seems the memories are already fading... I've got my birthday party set up for Saturday. Only guys so far. I'm such a tomboy. I've alwasy been that way though, I suppose. I'm thinking of getting Karaoke Revolution beforehand, so we can have something a little more interactive to do. I don't know if anyone but Chicken Man will sing, though. Song............................................. Let Go-Frou Frou
Scunosi · Mon Jul 10, 2006 @ 04:29am · 0 Comments |
Yeah, I know I haven't put in a new entry in a while. I must say, it wasn't nearly as painful as Perdie. I guess it's because we were prepared for it in a way. Saying it like that makes it seems almost like we didn't care as much about him, since we were okay by the end of the day. We even started searching for a new dog. When I stop and think about it, it seems like we should be spending more time mourning, but I guess since we had the vet take care of everything, we don't have to. Or something. I beat FE, and now I'm playing it again to try and get Jill and Haar and Stefan and actually keep Kieran alive. It's not my fault he died in the middle of the longest chapter in the game. What was I supposed to do? Start over and just spend another two hours getting back to the middle? I found I probably could have used him later on, though. Also, I've picked up Sacred Stones again, and I was working on getting everyone promoted and up to level twenty. Also, I was working on the Supports, but since I got about half my team killed in Lagdou Ruins, I'm done already. I started a new game on Hard, and already I've had just about everyone but Seth die. I get so frustrated sometimes, I just want to throw the thing. And I thought I was getting so good, too... I've got to make up some invites for my friends. In case you didn't know, my birthday is on the 15th. For some reason my parents are freaked out when I tell them I have that info online. You know how many people share my birthday? It's not like someone can hack it or something. I've been working on some freebie chibis for the auction I'm in, and I'm doing a few for some GD prommies. They don't know it, though. The one always has the same outfit, but the other...he changes his just about every day. But it's always the same style. Let's see who can guess who they are. Song........................................ Cry Little Sister-Blutengel There're about three or four versions of this song.
Scunosi · Fri Jul 07, 2006 @ 02:46am · 0 Comments |
So yeah, later today we take Pongo to the vet. I've told everyone that I'm not going. At least, not in the room. I doubt that I could contain myself, even if I may not be as attached as the others. I'm going to wait out in the lobby with my mom. It's still sad to think about, and I'm sure yet again Polette will take it the hardest, but at least we were prepared this time. Yesterday we took some pictures of us with him, which is nice, but it still seems like creating false memories. I mean, he's never been one for doing anything, but we still got him to do some stuff. I just hope all this preparation means it won't hurt as much as last time. Yet again, abrupt change of topic. I beat FE yesterday, so I can now resume the rest of my life. Sucks that you can't go back and watch all the support conversations again. One of the new things about this game is the tiny amount of voice-acting, and two people do a nice duet. But which version do you get for the Sound Room? The creepy one with just the girl. And the guy has such a lovely voice, too. Oh well, I can still watch the movie at least. I bought a bunch of books the other day. So, at 28 volumes, RK is finally over. I can see why the hard-core fans don't care much for the third movie. It's about as far from reality as you could get. I'm finally catching up with my friend on Naruto, seeing as how he read a whole bunch online, and I wait for the books. The next one comes out in September. Seriously, who handles the liscencing on these things? But this one ends with the water-walking training, so yeah, I'm getting closer. I also got the new Megatokyo, and it inspired me to do something for another friend. I still haven't finished reading it, though. It's huge compared to the others. And I still get confused about the girls, seeing as how two of them look exactly the same. There, that's better. I think it helps to not think about it, to distract myself. I guess I'll be doing that a lot soon. Song...................................... Life Returns-don't know
Scunosi · Thu Jun 29, 2006 @ 07:49pm · 0 Comments |
Yes, I suppose it's been scheduled for Thursday. I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle actually going though. The thought of death frightens me, and to see something I've loved for so long just slowly fade away...maybe I'll wait at home. I can't really think about it, or I get upset. I'm almost angry, because it's not like he's bedridden or anything, he just can't go to the bathroom like he should. I would rather him go naturally. Oh well... We had another one of our weekly cook-outs today, and I ate so much desert I'll probably become diabetic. It was good though. Layered ice-cream sandwiches with whipped cream on top. Yum. I started on some of the stuff I'm getting paid to do, though really one of them should already be done by now. I'm lazy in the summer. The reason I do so much during the school year is that I get bored in class. Now, I've got tons of stuff to do, and lots of time to do it in. I'm dreading those assignments, though. If anyone wants to talk to me or something, it'd be very much appreciated. Song............................. Man of Constant Sorrow-Osaka Popstar and the Great American Legends of Punk
Scunosi · Mon Jun 26, 2006 @ 06:53am · 0 Comments |
I would apologize for my lack of being on this week, but really no one seems to care. At least, not many do. Besides, it's not like I'm suicidal, I'm just playing Fire Emblem. From 12 to 12. Really, it's no wonder I had a headache yesterday. I've been reading a bunch of C&H comics lately. Quite a few of them are dumb, but I really like the ones Kris does. I was going to put a rather thoughful one about religion in my sig, but it was too big by itself, and I didn't feel like going through the trouble. For anyone who's been keeping up with events concerning my dog, it's been decided. We're going to have him put down next week. It's odd, because sometimes that's really hard to think about, and other times it makes things easier. I've found that how I feel about it depends on how I'm thinking about it. I would post more, but it would take a while to explain. Song................................. Crazy-Gnarls Barkley
Scunosi · Sat Jun 24, 2006 @ 05:47am · 0 Comments |