It's my birthday today! biggrin Happy birthday to me, and happy Valentine's Day to everyone else! ^-^ I think it's so cool I has my birthday on this day o8 Shlee-chan is hard to type out, so I am now converting my third-person speaking name to QB. XD -lazybutt child-
I went to an anime con like, 2 weeks ago c: I cosplayed as Yazoo. DUDE, I love my silver wig o-o so much. I need an excuse to wear it again D; I luuff iittt....-sniff- T.T ...anyways... I met Vic Mignogna (voice of Dark Mousy and Edward Elric), Aaron Dismuke (voice of Alphonse Elric), Caitlin Glass (voice of Winry), and Jerry Jewell (voice of Kyo Sohma and Barry the Chopper). blaugh It made me sooooo happeh! ^-^ Kyo-dude smelled like red Bull 8D I will never forget that, lulzzzz~ I got an ORLY hat 8D -beam- It's so cool >3 I also got some awesome rider goggles, a parasol (uber pretty and pink 4laugh ), a wooden katana (my second one c: Yaaayyyy~ HAZAAAA~!), hmmm...what else....Oh! I got this hat o.o Erm...I can't...describe it. Here's a picture >D

Arigato google for letting me find this image XD Chyeah, that hat the dude is wearing o3o I have no idea what it's called but it PWNS. Hard.
I'm watching Madagascar 2 currently. x3
QB got a new phone today! 8D Envy 2, babeh. It's awesome. WOOP WOOP!
QB bought this purty sakura flower cover for it x3 -puurrrrr-
Misa told me to tell you all that unicorn horns turn me on .-. ....this was said a while ago. >.> but it's so random....and funny. Bahaha :B HOW NAUGHTY! Xo
Hmm...what else can I saayyy? Well, I owe David-kun a wiiware game XD I'll buy it for him soonlay.
My house smells of nummy wings <3 Mmmm, birthday dinner...
QB had chinese last night 8D NUMMIERRRRR~
QB's kitty is cuddling her foot o3o ...weird.
QB dyed her hair purple c: Like...a while ago, though. ninja Now it's faded really bad...the purple highlights turned silver! <'D GAWSH, I LOVE SILVER! Some day I shall bleach my hair, dye it dark purple, then let it fade and have beautious silver hairzzz. LIKE MY WIG OF DOOMEDNESS!!!
Vic Mignogna is a beastleh. :3 -nodnod-
I haven't been on Gaia in forever o3o This is the first day I've been on in a few months. >.>
I wanna watch Death Note c: -nodnod-
Hmmmm......Oh, lulz, I've been rated over 800 times now in the art arena XD That makes me so happy. All my ratings are at least 3 stars. YAY! I are a gewd artist o3o I have the urge to draw something but I just dunno what. confused I NEEEDDDDD A NEW FANCY PANTS DRAWING TABLET!
My life has been consumed by schoolwork and Guitar Hero...2. >.> Hard mode, babeh. Oohh yeeaahhh~
It must have been 40 years already, cuz I'm over David-kun e.e;;; -stabs the -kun- David. Ick. Xp He asked me out, FINALLYYY, but he dumped me a week later. Jerko. And now he's all emo and depressed for no reason. I hate him now c: Yay. -clapclapclap- I am so happy. whee
My new favorite phrase is Clumsy Elf. XD lulzzzz
AND THIS! Concludes my ranting of rantful thinking of rantfulness. Good'ay, mates c;
~ QB-chan
PSS. Not really ._.