Shinrin's dark corner! |
My corner! where I can put my creations to view and special moments into a small page of awsom-... yeah it's just a place for me to put my random crap =_=; |
Shinrin xx
Community Member
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 @ 11:49pm
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 @ 01:03am
Shinrin xx
Community Member
Shinrin xx
Community Member
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 @ 01:01am
Profiles for my OC's
Where did these guys come from? All of them are my OC's from a previous FanFiction I wrote. Not all of them were mentioned in my story, but they will in my later stories, doujins and comic strips.
Before you go on and say this and that: Yes, they look like the actual original character. Well, that is because I'm trying to make a point as to who their parents are or where they come from. I will only draw the profiles in Kishimoto's style (for that sole purpose) the future drawings will be in my own which I've been working with. Is does not look great, and may look a bit girlish. But it will be my own.
Eww to the pairings/parents: Regardless for what you have to say about my choice of pairing or parents of the OC's. I don't really care if you're a SasuKarin, NaruSasu, NaruSaku or Sasu something else fan. These are my OC's, so who their parents are is up to me. If I like this or that I expect you to be respectful. I could care less if you hate Sakura or Sasuke or Karin, but please retain yourself from making foolish comments regarding what pairing they come from.
Can take a punch: I take rational criticism towards my art. Not something that comes along the lines of "Ew your drawings suck!" or "It looks so stupid". Saying that makes YOU look stupid, not me. Smart criticism is another thing, pointing out the flaws or what I need or may not need to put effort on. (Even though it will be many of this, haha)Uchiha Sasuke & Haruno Sakura:-Hiroko and Hiroshi Uchiha (12)-Akira Uchiha (5)-Emi (2) Uzumaki Naruto & Hyuuga Hinata:-Akio Uzumaki (12)-Mika (10) Lee & Tenten:-Nana (14) -Nori (12) Hyuuga Neji & OC:-Tadashi (13) -Takumi (2) Hatake Kakashi & Mitarashi Anko:-Toshio (16) Nara Shikamaru & Yamanaka Ino:-Ai (12)