2. Use easy-to-see font. Can you see this very well? Can you see this very well? Neither can I, and it's annoying to come across big paragraphs of text in those kinds of fonts. Try something like this color and this size, if you have to pick a yellowish color and small font.
3. Avoid hiding your real post. Contrary to unfortunate belief, 50 blinking gifs, your top 30 favorite icons, 10 movie quotes (all in ******** gradients), and your tektek do not make your post "LOLMG AWSEUM!!!11!1~~!1". Keep it to a minimum, because, quite frankly, discussions are the wrong place to be playing hide and seek. If you have to have anything, try 1 small gif, 1 icon, 1 short quote, and NO tektek.
4. Do not use gradients. If you use this kind of gradient I will be thoroughly pissed off and annoyed when I want to quote you, and I will probably back out of the screen. When you use a gradient, you expand your post by 23 characters for every single letter. It's especially annoying when you're playing hide and go seek with the aforementioned quotes and images. If you only use a gradient on ONE word, maybe that's not so bad, but I would just use NONE. Keep it to your sig, at the very least.

6. Avoid having flobs or images that are much bigger than your post. Something that really irks me is if someone has a 400px tall image, or top/bottom images that have a combined total of over 500px, but they only post one line! Did you REALLY need to do that? Really? My advice is either get a smaller flob for when you make small posts or just don't post one at all. It just takes up needless space, and really, people probably ALREADY know what your flob looks like. It's not going to be missed for that one one-liner post of yours.
7. Avoid giant text. Yeah, giant text has its place, but not in every single post. It's fine to want attention, but perhaps you should consider the quality of your post over the quantity of pixels it takes up on someone's screen.