Here's my main Roleplay character, Kerrigan Bradley, or just Kerri. This will definitely be edited later as I get new ideas for her character. ---------- Name: Kerrigan Bradley (Only her father calls her Kerrigan) Nickname: Kerri (She prefers this to Kerrigan) Age: Unknown; Appears to be 20 Gender: Female Hair color: Black Eye color: Light blue (Sometimes appears to be white) Skin color: Tanned Image:  (I try to dress my avatar as Kerri as well. Just saying.) Other physical features: Scar across the back of her right shoulder Alternate form: A black dragon about the size of a small horse with large wings and bluish gray horns on her head and spine. This is her true form; she can not go into a half-dragon form. ---------- Class: Assassin Primary weapon: Sniper rifle (In fantasy settings: A bow and arrows) Secondary weapon: Daggers Other weapons: Pistol or sword (Tries to avoid using her sword due to having little strength) Primary element: Ice Secondary element: Poison Tertiary element: Darkness Magic style: Focuses on long ranged attacks and defense. The more powerful spells require time and concentration to prepare, and a certain chant to activate. The weaker ones are able to be prepared in less than a second, and cast immediately. Notable spells: Her most notable magic abilities are the ability to make small ice crystals out of water vapor, freezing water to create shields, and freezing raindrops in a rainstorm. She has many more destructive spells, but they require a lot of time, energy, and preparation to cast, making them inefficient in all but a few cases. Strengths: Intelligent, Able to withstand a good amount of attacks, Uses magic creatively, Good with daggers, Good with long-ranged combat, Observant Weaknesses: Not very strong, Has a bit of a temper, NOT good with close-range combat AT ALL ---------- Mother: Dead Father: Not on good terms with Kerri Siblings: Kenneth: Twin brother. At first glance, appears to be her polar opposite, but they are much more similar than they would like to admit. They are very close most of the time. Personality: She seems to be a cold (No pun intended) and cynical person to most of her acquaintances and those who don't know her. She does, however, care about her friends and family; She just shows it in strange ways. Mental stability: Shaky; Her past left her with many scars, and she tends to have occasional snap backs to her previous behavior, especially when she's angry or feels threatened. She also constantly has nightmares about all the people she's killed in the past. History: Kerri was born in a violent dragon clan to their leader and his wife. She and her twin, Kenneth, started training as soon as they could walk. Kerri got through her training well, and became an assassin who followed orders without thinking about them. She lived for a long time without realizing how terrible her ways were just a few years ago. She now travels with her twin (who realized the evil in their ways LONG before she even thought about what they were doing) and her twin's girlfriend to try and repent for what she did. Friends: Not very many. Enemies: Pretty much every person who she's met except for a few. And a lot of people who she doesn't even know exist.
-X-Draconic Assassin-X- · Sun Jan 29, 2012 @ 12:09am · 0 Comments |