**** you, summer...
I bleeped out what I really wanted to say there.... My sister and her friends have been creating drama, and I'm afraid I've been part of it. Her friend came over a little while ago and started yelling at me, saying if I have a problem with her I should say it to her face, even though it has nothing to do with her in particular, just my sister's friends in general.
I texted my sister last night when I heard the door slam at 11. I guess I'll just transcribe the conversation and see what you guys think? Mine will be in bold.
did you just get home? No that was tera silly (tera is our anime-hating neighbor) ...why is she coming into our house in the middle of the night? people are trying to sleep. Ok. We are being quiet. Sorry if you were disturbed lol you shouldnt be coming in this late to begin with... dad comments every night "So I guess Summer isnt coming home. again." Sydney ******** stop! I was at moms knock it off I have been home for hella long. Before ten so stop! In case your smart a** forgot I PAY RENT and its none of your business! I had school tonight! what? no need to start swearing. i was just telling you that a little warning might be nice before you bring people here. and you were not here at 10. I was still downstairs. I dont know why the hell you say that bs about dad when it is not true. Quit gossiping about him and quit with the drama! Good night Came inside at 1005 what do you mean bs? He says that to me every time you arent home by 930. i dun know why you always get so angry when i just try to talk to you about this. Well tell him to text or call me then. I dont get out of school till 930 some nights and other than that i am always here. Im done textin bye whatever. my main problem is you always bringing people here... but whatever. we can talk about this more later. ITS TERA She is my sister. You know that. So make way. What about Destiny, her kids, that little girl who spends the night here with no notification to me... it's the principle of the thing... I tell you when i have friends over, don't I? there are specific times they can and cannot be here. you are living with other people. you must think about us. Why the hell would I need to tell you if my sons friend stays the night in the room I rent? You need to realize that you are a child and im an adult. Its not my fault you spend your life on the computer and have no life. Thats your choice I dont have online friends i have real friends. Sorry but you need to stop trying to boss me around. I respect dads rules but not fake ones you make up because it can affect more than just you! if they woke up and they started screaming, or you left and someone had to watch them... ******** you. I have real friends who dont answer their phones. the computer is no different than texting, so dont go blackmailing me with that s**t. Im sick of your "im older than you, i dont have to follow rules" attitude. It's called common courtesy and manners. ever heard of it? They don't wake up and scream. And how can your friends answer their phone when they exist only in a computer? Its called you dont get to boss me around so get a hobby And im telling dad about your bossy know it all attitude! Leave me alone and go to sleep damn! Want me to list my friends for you? You can talk to each and every one of them. Anna Meghan Sandra Rogue Amanda Calvin need I continue. it is not smart to say I have none
And there ends the conversation... Any comments? xP Her friend decided to come over here and somehow make it out that I had a problem with her and that's what the whole conversation was about?