chapter 1: school
As I awoke I noticed something unusual. I ate breakfast and went outside. A puppy was on the front lawn, and I ran to hold it. Unluckily, it ran away. Then I noticed the dog...Left behind a present I didn't like.
So then.....I was mad. now it smelled terrible on the lawn. I, Mandy, has something no on else has. I have and ability to let my feelings take over my brain. For example, I was mad at the puppy. I felt like punching the mailbox. And guess what? My anger took control of me and I actually did. Then I noticed everyone was staring at me. I wasn't embarressed. I glared at them as they were continuing what they were doing before. Then after that I was off on my way to school.
Our school uniform was kinda weird looking. And embarressing. We wore a yellow vest with a small bow on our upper chest under the neck, and a blue skirt. Then my best friend Nito came. "Hello Niro." I said with a unhappy voice and face. He looked at me and noticed my face was looking gloomy. "Hey," he said as he turned his head upside down and said "So thats were your smile is." Then he made his head right-side up, then he asked me why I was so gloomy. "A puppy left a stupid present on my lawn." I replyed, wondering if he would laugh. And....He did. He laughed so loud, even a person across the street can hear it. "Wow, No worries or anything. There was a even worse gift from a rabbit that took days to clean up." He said. Then I said, "What was it?" He said it was a chewed carrot that melted on his lawn. That statement almost made me puke.
Niro was my childhood friend scince preschool. We're both in 8th grade now. I'm 13 and he's 13. We had a lot in common. I told him to keep my ability secret a secret, and he didn't even tell his closest friend, Tom. Then Nina came as we just came to class. She pushed me away from the door and I almost fell. Then Niro was attracted by the ice cream stand near the class. So I fell and bumped my head. I went to the nurse and came back with an ice pack on my head. Nina sang, "3 little monkeys pushing each other in the class, one fell down and bumped her head." The teacher, Mrs.K, looked and Nina and said, "Nina, would you please answer question 31?" Then Nina looked at me as I smiled at her. This meant trouble -- for her. She lost track. Then Nina replyed, "Mandy is a stinky puppy lover."
Niro threw his snowcone at Nina. He missed his privileges to go to the ice cream stand anytime. Suddenly there was a teardrop from his eye. He put his head down and wailed. He cryed as loudly as he could, then Mrs.K rolled her eyes and she said "FINE. You can go."
Then at lunchtime I asked him why he cryed so loudly just for stupid ice cream. He replyed with a grin on his face, "Crying always 'gets' her." I knew what he meant by that. The "get" is that Mrs.K is only 20, and she feels bad for anyone who crys. Even for no reason. She does the best she can. Then Niro was sitting next to Nina, then gobbled down his sandwich, dirtying her only vest. She grabbed her purse and hit him with it. Niro threw some ham on her face saying, "You look way prettier like that." He said with a grin. Then he turned to me and saw me put my thumbs up. Although Nina knows a wimp would tell the teacher/lunchlady, she didn't. She looked mischevious. I knew a plan was up her sleeve...
chapter 2: nina's revenge
The next day Nina was telling all the popular girls to go against me. How do I know? Because, first of all I have a sharp scence of hearing. Also, I heard my name, and third, they all hated me. Their names are: Nina, Mira, Tiffany, Myra, and Lizzie. I also saw a note under Lizzie's desk wrote by Nina.
Hey Lizzie!
Scince you are one of the popular girls that hate Mandy, I'll let you join my group.
Mandy keeps on embarresing me in front of class, especially Niro. Although you like
Niro, you don't have to do anything about him. Just help Tiffiny, Me, Myra, and Mira
go against Mandy. Also, why do you like Niro? Nothing's cute about him. So then why?
Write back to me when you have the time to, okay?
~Nina, president of WHM.
then Lizzie wrote back saying:
I like Niro because he's adorable, funny and cute. I don't care what you see about him, okay?
Niro is also smart and shares some snowcones with me every Thursday. And Ice cream on saturday.
He treats me to everything, and he's a nice boy.
Probably the nicest in class? Hopfully we'll have a date then get married.......
Nina wrote back saying,
I know you like Niro because of all that kind of stuff but.......
Do you want Mandy to take Niro away? They hang out a lot and stuff....
~Nina, president of WHM.
Then they had a conversation at lunch going something like this, because they sit across from me now.
Nina: So, Lizzie. Are you gonna join?
Lizzie: Probably. Lets see what happens between them.
Nina: Just watch. Look at that! You tell me he gives you ice cream every Thursday and look!
Lizzie: Snowcones, Nina.
Nina: WHATEVER! Just look!
(Then Lizzie spotted Niro give me a snowcone, as a token of friendship. But, Oh ho, she took it the wrong way!!) "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Lizzie yelled. I stared at her mindlessly until her lip twitched then sat back next to Nina.
Lizzie: OK! I'll join.
Nina: Okay just fill this out. (Hands her a contract)
Now on Friday they were all talking, ALL, All the popular girls who hate me. They built a treehouse in Nina's backyard. Nina lives next door, so I invited Niro to hang out at my backyard.
Nina: Ok, Lizzie is Vice president because she is 2nd to join. Tiffany is secretary, Mira is vice secretary, and Myra is treasurer.
Lizzie: What do we do here?
Nina: Mira, tell her.
Mira: We talk strategy. What we can do to make Mandy miserable.
Myra: For what she has done to Nina.
Tiffany: It still has nothing to do with us; so why join?
Nina: Uh... It takes place on Lizzie's future boyfriend.
Tiffany: Okay..But nothing to do with Me, Mira and Myra.
Nina: Look, you guys don't understand. Tiffany, secretary sees what Mandy does now. Vice secretary fills in for
the secretary if the aren't here. And Vice president does the same as vice secretary, just fill in for me.
Myra: What about treasurer?
Nina: I was going to explain that.
Mira: Continue.
Nina: Treasurer finds some stuff useful to make Mandy's life miserable.
Myra: Okay...
chapter 3: vices quit
Yesterday the treasurer was looking around my house. Nina was embarresed. "Myra!" She whispered as loudly as she can, without letting me know. I told Nina, "I can hear you. You're right next to me." After that she acted very stupid-like, like the gangster people. "Ehh. Aiight, but keep yo coo', okay foo'?" She ran away, of to school.
As soon as I went to school Niro said, "Good-bye." "Why?" I asked. He told me for the weekend he's going to California. He gave me a hug and ran straight home. After that was all going on, Mira and Lizzie yelled, "I QUIT!" "You can't quit. You signed the contract." Nina said. She held up the contract that she made Mira and Lizzie sign.
This contract states that you specifically say you:
♥Are popular
♥And hate Mandy.
If you violate this contract, you will be now un-popular.
And REMAIN un-popular.
Please write your signature below.
Well, I think that if I ever sign a stupid contract, I would READ it first. Of course, popular girls are stupid enough they can't get accepted to any high school, can't pass 5th grade, and don't know what 9 to the 3rd power is. I just think it's a miricle they passed 5th grade, because they say "I forgot" to any question they think they know, but don't. Also they got accepted to the high school because their parents are rich and they spend about $500 a year. And they took 2 hours just to solve 9 to the third power.
Then I waited patiently for the others to quit.
It took about 5 weeks for them to quit. They finally noticed they didn't do anything. And that I didn't do anything to them.
And that I didn't do anything to them. So they decided to join me to go against Nina.
Chapter 4: Strategy
I explained everything they needed to know about Nina, what she has done, and how she bosses them around too much. They told me "Nina has bossed us around a lot and we were useless. We're unpopular now, so we can't do anything about it." Suddenly, I have an idea. "SHE only told you you're unpopular. If you guys know yuo're now unpopular, maybe you can. You don't need to listen to Nina."
The next day was Saturday. I have my own treehouse, before Nina built hers. So then I went inside the treehouse. Then others followed. Then I made a plan of throwing water balloons at Nina. But Nina had a better plan. Nina's idea was to use someone to "blackmail" us. But how? I was just kidding itwas "great". It was "Greatly stupid."
Then it was Sunday. Niro text-messaged me. We had a good conversation. I almost cryed because I missed him.
Me: Hello Niro.
Niro: So are you having fun?
Me: No.
Niro: Why?
Niro: Good?
Me: No.
Niro: Oh.
Me: Okay...
Niro: Gotta go now, bye!
Me: OkayBye.
So then he went to the Zoo with his Aunt, Mini Hat.
TO BE CONTINUED. Please be patient while I whip up more ideas to write down. Thank you!