Hello to everyone who doesn't read this. Only one term left and then I am finally done with high school. Kinda depressing, but exciting at the same time. I am looking foward to not having to deal with the annoyance of freshmen and sophomores, not having to deal with the "rutine" backpack checks, the horrible caf., the 50million security guards, teachers being asses and not doing their job, teachers being asses while doing their job, bitchy people, me being bitchy to people, the gangsters and wannabes, the preppy bitches who always got something to say. There are things that I am going to miss though when I go away to college like: my best friends, the teachers whome I did enjoy having, study hall in the little theatre, having the power to yell at those annoying freshies and sophies, homecoming and prom, and having bon fires and parties after those events, those crazy nights that I can't remember but I know that I shared them with the people who are most important to me, having those crazy nights that I do remember, and once again, with the people that I care about most, the realization the I will probably never see Randy again (this falls under hated things) so that I can stop thinking about him 24/7, trying to get over him with another guy and not having it work, being there for my best friends, and having them be there for me. I know that I am excited for graduation, but leaving all of the good and even the bad behind is going to suck royally. But alas, the time has come where I can say that I am an adult, and it's time to start getting out into the real world and realizing that I am not a kid anymore. College is on my doorstep, and I intend to grab this real life by the balls and live it to it's full potential. I've done so much that I didn't realize I would ever do..but I didn't want to leave on a bad note, but then again not necessarily on a good one either. People know where I stand in their life. So to all of you who have ever been involved in my life, thank you. This isn't my goodbye just yet. But only a few more months left. lol.
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